Page 6 - Cornice_Grade 6
P. 6
Salva Dut Ariik-A Long Walk to Water
Salva Dut Ariik is a very interesting to fi ght to live at the age of
character. Salva is tall with black 12 and by pulling through
hair and black eyes with an oval many diffi cult scenarios like
face and broad shoulders. his uncle being killed before
his eyes by bandits, his
Salva is a brave, determined friend being taken by lions
and hardworking boy who has working, earning money to
faced many losses in life. He has feed himself from the age of
faced war, thirst, life threatening 13 and continuously trying
situations and murder at a very until he succeeded.
young age but he is still very
positive,determined and tries to He has worked hard and
be optimistic. knows the true value of
water and life. He also values
Salva is kind and generous, who education as he was deprived
finds it hard not to put others of it for almost a decade. He
before himself and was faced is a very honest, hardworking
with the prospect of sustaining man who becomes a very saved many lives by his work and
himself at a very young age being successful person by raising gave young children education.
driven out of his home by the funds to get water for the people by Saargav Chandra Jha
war. He is strong willed having by making wells and schools. He
Compare and Contrast (Artist and Housekeeper)
The artist is a great painter . The artist enjoys painting,
which is why it is his passion. He tries selling his paintings
but does not earn too much. In the beginning of the book,
the housekeeper brought a cat home. First he hated the cat,
but later he really cared about her and named her Good
Fortune. He knew a lot about Lord Buddha and Prince
Siddhartha. Most days he thinks of what to paint. While
thinking about what to paint he ends up day dreaming
The housekeeper cleans the whole house everyday . She
uses the little money the artist makes to buy food. Since
the moment she saw Good Fortune she loved her. She
does worship Lord Buddha but she doesn’t know too much
about him and his life. All day when the Artist paints, the
housekeeper prepares food for the Artist and the cat.She
works and does chores all day. This shows that she is also
very responsible.
We can find some similarities between the Artist and the
Housekeeper as they are both kind people. They both live
together in an old house. They both love Good Fortune.
They are very hardworking and help each other. They both
worship Lord Buddha. They are both patient. They both
hope that the Artist would succeed and earn more money.
Every day they both do the same things. The housekeeper
cleans and the Artist paints.
6 by Yashaswi Bhandari