Page 7 - Cornice_Grade 6
P. 7
Compare and Contrast (Nyaa and Salva)
Salva and Nya are two of the main also could keep walking and is much older than Nya. Both of
protagonists in the book A Long staying strong with the thought them faced hardship due to their
Walk To Water. They are children of her sister dying. Salva was able circumstances. Th e root of Salva’s
in Southern Sudan who are to keep walking with his toenail hardships was war. Th e root of
struggling to survive. They both removed and the pain of seeing Nya’s hardship was the lack of
faced many hardships in life. But his uncle die. water. Nya, in my opinion, faced
learned to pick themselves up and hardship that was less extreme
stay optimistic. They kept walking Along with the similarities, we than what Salva had to face.
through pain emotionally and could witness a lot of diff erences. byAarnav Shrestha Dhakal
physically. Nya was able to walk One main diff erence is that Salva
through a thorn in her foot and is a boy and Nya is a girl. Salva