Page 10 - Gi_September2021
P. 10

management & education news



                 THE HOUSING OMBUDSMAN has        of the service in response to the
                 highlighted issues relating to gas safety,   Grenfell Tower fire.
                 repairs and anti-social behaviour as it   In the latest release, the ombudsman
                 publishes its latest batch of decisions.  highlighted three cases concerning
                   The latest set of decisions has been   housing associations where it had made
                 published by the ombudsman as part   a decision.
                 of a bid to increase transparency within   This included a finding of
                 the social housing complaint-handling   maladministration regarding Notting
                 process, reports Inside Housing.  Hill Genesis (NHG) for its response to     THERE HAS BEEN A MAJOR OVERHAUL OF THE
                   It brings the total number of decisions   a resident’s concerns about her boiler.  SERVICE FOLLOWING THE GRENFELL DISASTER
                 in the ombudsman’s online casebook to   Following the resident raising
                 roughly 500, following an initial release   concerns, an issue was identified    matter, the ombudsman ordered an
                 of 350 decisions two weeks ago.  with the placement of the flue that    independent investigation be carried out
                   The ombudsman has committed    had not been identified during previous   to establish what went wrong and identify
                 to publishing new decisions every    gas safety checks.           any service improvements to prevent a
                 two weeks following a major overhaul   Given the potential seriousness of the   similar situation happening again.

                  MORE THAN A THIRD OF OVER-55S DID NOT RECEIVE                   are also the age group most likely to
                  WORKPLACE TRAINING IN LAST DECADE, STUDY FINDS                  say that the last workplace training
                                                                                  they received was not useful for their
                                                                                  current role (20 per cent).
                                                                                    As a result, less than half (47 per
                                                                                  cent) of older workers think they have
                                                                                  all the required skills to succeed at
                                                                                  work. This is despite only one fifth
                                                                                  planning on retiring soon, according to
                                                                                  the survey of 2,000 working adults.
                                                                                    Only one in seven businesses
                                                                                  stated they would consider turning to
                                                                                  recruiting or retraining older workers
                                                                                  or retirees to tackle skills shortages,
                                                                                  the research revealed.
                                                                                    The City & Guilds Group is calling
                                                                                  on businesses to invest in upskilling
                                                                                  valuable older workers or “risk further
                                                                                  productivity shortfalls during the
                                                                                  recovery period”.
                                                                                    Kirstie Donnelly, Chief Executive
                                                                                  of the organisation, said: “With the
                                                                                  pace of change in businesses only
                                                                                  exacerbated by the pandemic, we risk
                                                                                  consigning a generation of valuable
                                                                                  workers to the scrapheap when many
                                                                                  industries are crying out for more
                                                                                  workers post-Brexit and as we unlock
                                                                 OLDER WORKERS ARE LESS LIKELY
                                                                TO RECEIVE THE TRAINING THEY NEED  society after the pandemic.”
                                                                                    She added that organisations
                  THE OVER-55S are most likely to miss   workplace training, compared to 67   also need to “create opportunities”
                  out on workplace training, according   per cent of 35- to 54-year-olds and 83   for older workers to re-enter
                  to new research.                per cent of 18- to 34-year-olds.  the workplace through flexible
                    A study by City & Guilds Group   And over a third (38 per cent) of   working arrangements and training,
                  found that in the past five years, only   people aged over 55 reported last   otherwise they will be unable
                  half (53 per cent) of people aged 55   receiving workplace training more   to “contribute effectively to the
                  and over have taken part in formal   than 10 years ago, or never at all. They   economy in years to come”.


                                                                                                                  11/08/2021   09:37
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