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products and services guide

             Instrument Hire           Calibration
                We offer a wide range of the     Providing a calibration and
              latest test equipment complete   repair service with traceable
              with certification.        certification for electric,
                Competitive prices and   electronic and pneumatic
              discount structure with full   equipment. This is backed up
              technical support included.  by an annual re-calibration
                                         reminder via email.
               01928 589600

                                                                                        Nationally approved framework contractors and
                                                                                        consultants for design, engineering and project
             TracPipe by OmegaFlex:                                                     management services
                                                                                        • Feasibility, conceptual and multi-discipline detailed
             TracPipe® stainless steel semi-rigid gas piping is used for LPG   Nationally approved framework contractors and consultants for
                                                                                          design for all pipeline related facilities
             or natural gas on domestic, commercial and residential projects.   design, engineering and project management services.
                                                                                        • Quantity surveying, contract documentation
                                                                                          and cost control
             TracPipe® is supplied on long length reels, and bends by hand,     Feasibility, conceptual and multi-discipline detailed design for all
             making it faster, easier and safer to install than copper or steel,   pipeline related facilities  • Construction site management
                                                                                        • HSE and CDM support services
             without special tools or hot work.                       Quantity surveying, contract documentation and cost control
                                                                      Construction site management
                                                                                                 Dave Tapper on 01243 542509
                                                                   Nationally approved framework contractors and
                                                                      HSE and CDM support services
                                                                                             or Bob Rush and Beryl Holley on 01837 658 515
               +44 (0)1295 676 670, fax: (0)1295 267 302           consultants for design, engineering and project
                                                                                                or Tony Ironside on 01252 370955
                                  management services  
                                                                          +44 (0)1837 658 515
                                      • Feasibility, conceptual and multi-discipline detailed
                                                                                                 UKAS Approved 9001, 14001, 18001
                                                                     +44 (0)1252 370 955
                                                                     design for all pipeline related facilities   INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATES
                                                                   • Quantity surveying, contract documentation   REGISTERED INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATE
                                                                     and cost control
                                                                   • Construction site management
                                                                   • HSE and CDM support services
                                                                               Dave Tapper on 01243 542509
                                                                   QHS (Quality Heating Services Ltd) is an approved framework service
                                                                          or Bob Rush and Beryl Holley on 01837 658 515
                                                                   provider operating across energy, utility and residential housing
                                                                              or Tony Ironside on 01252 370955
                                                                   sectors. We hold ISO accreditations for safety, environment, quality,
                                                                   data and we are licensed for gas, electrical and metering services.
                                                                                UKAS Approved 9001, 14001, 18001
              HDD specialists                                      Our services include….
               Experts in complicated shots                                Commercial & domestic heating     Domestic electrical installation,
               Advanced environmental controls                         installation and maintenance  repairs and EV charge point
               No job too complex, no ground too difficult            Gas network emergency support  connections
                                                                                                        INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATES
               Any size gas main including steel                      Dual fuel smart metering and     Landlord’s gas and electrical
                                                                                                      REGISTERED INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATE
                                                                    conventional meter installation  condition certification
               +44 (0)28 37511911                                     07774 719475
                                                                   Fingleton White provides multi-discipline engineering services to the
             Cathodic Protection                                   energy industry. It operates across multiple sectors including Natural
             Specialising in innovative Cathodic Protection solutions    gas, CHP, Renewables, Energy & Utilities and Water.
             for the hydrogen, oil, gas, water and petrochemical sectors.
               FEED/concept/feasibility and detailed design studies.    Design approvals/appraisals    BIM
               Specialized and pre-design surveys, including CIPS, DCVG and Soil Resistivity.    Feasibility, conceptual &     Station capacity upgrades
               Supply of a wide range of CP materials.              detailed design             Pipeline diversions
               CP system installation and testing.                    FEED studies              Hazardous area assessments
               CP system commissioning, monitoring and troubleshooting.    Piping/pipeline design    Stress analysis & modelling
               GL/5, G17, PS/5 and G35 approval and appraisal.        Routing assessments
                                                                      +44 1618 202460
               +44 (0) 1425 207 555                         
                 To ensure your company is included in this guide please email: or telephone Danielle on 0203 900 0147

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