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igem news

                   TECHNICAL  Standards and updates from the IGEM Technical Services team

                                                  IGEM/UP/12 Application of burners and   DRAFTS AFTER COMMENT
                  TECHNICAL STANDARDS             controls to gas fired process plant  IGEM/UP/1 Strength testing, tightness
                                                  IGEM/UP/19 Design and application of
                                                  interlock devices and associated systems   testing and direct purging of industrial and
                                                                                  commercial gas installations
                   STANDARDS RECENTLY PUBLISHED   used with gas appliance installations in   IGEM/UP/1A Strength and tightness
                   IGEM/G/11 Edition 2 Gas industry unsafe   commercial catering establishments  testing and direct purging of small low
                   situations procedure           IGEM/UP/20 Compressed natural gas   pressure industrial and commercial
                   IGEM/IG/1 Edition 2 Standards of   fuelling stations           natural gas installations
                   training in gas work           IGEM/GM/PRS/11 Purchasing       IGEM/UP/21 Liquefied natural gas fuelling
                                                  specification for diaphragm meters  stations
                   WORKING DRAFTS                 IGEM/SR/16 Odorant systems for gas   IGEM/TD/13 Pressure regulating
                                                  transmission and distribution
                   IGEM/G/1 Defining the end of the network,   IGEM/SR/28 Trenchless techniques  IGEM/GM/6 Non-domestic meter
                   a meter installation and installation                          installations – standard designs
                   pipework                       IGEM/TD/2 Assessing the risks from high
                   IGEM/G/6 Gas supplies to mobile dwellings  pressure natural gas pipelines  IGEM/GL/10 Gas quality specification for
                                                                                  conveyance of Group H gases of the second
                   IGEM/G/8 Handling, transport and   IGEM/TD/3 Supplement 1 Hydrogen   gas family
                   storage of PE pipe and fittings  IGEM/TD/4 Supplement 1 Hydrogen
                   IGEM/G/12 Universally adopted symbols  IGEM/TD/13 Supplement 2 Hydrogen   DRAFTS AT APPROVAL TO PUBLISH
                   IGEM/GL/5 Procedures for managing new   installations <7bar    IGEM/G/5 Gas in multi-occupancy
                   works, modifications and repairs  IGEM/H/4 Hydrogen quality standard  buildings
                   IGEM/GL/8 Reporting and investigation of                       IGEM/GL/1 Planning of distribution
                   gas-related incidents          DRAFTS ISSUED FOR INDUSTRY COMMENT  systems of MOP not exceeding 16bar
                   IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3 Domestic   IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 2 Domestic   IGEM/TD/1 Edition 6 Steel pipelines and
                   metering/ESP training specification  training specification    associated installations for high pressure
                   IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 4 LPG training   IGEM/G/11 Supplement 1 Responding to   gas transmission
                   specification                  domestic CO alarm activations   IGEM/TD/1 Supplement 2 Hydrogen
                   IGEM/IG/3 Guidance for the safe recovery   IGEM/TD/4 PE and steel gas services and   pipeline supplement
                   of road tankers                service pipework                IGEM/TD/13 Supplement 1 Hydrogen
                   IGEM/IG/4 Bulk transport of LNG by road  IGEM/UP/1101 Guidance on gas   installations supplement >7bar
                   IGEM/UP/1B Tightness testing/direct   installations for the management and staff   IGEM/TD/12 Pipework stress analysis for
                   purging of small liquefied petroleum gas/  within educational establishments  gas industry plant
                   air, NG/LPG installations      IGEM/UP/9 Application of natural gas and
                   IGEM/UP/2 Installation pipework on   fuel oil systems to gas turbines
                   industrial and commercial premises

                   CALENDAR       To enquire about any of IGEM’s forthcoming events or to exhibit at or sponsor an event, please contact the events team on
                                  +44(0)1509 678150 or email Further details for each of the events can be found at

                 Technical Training               National Events                  North West Section
                   oct  Introduction to IGEM/TD/3  oct  Road to 2050 – Leading the    oct  YPPC Section Heat
                 19-20  Virtual                   19-20  Energy Transition (incorporating    21  University of Salford
                                                  IGEM Annual Conference)
                   oct  Hydrogen and the Natural Gas Network  Virtual              IRISH SECTION
                 26-27  Virtual                                                     nov  YPPC Section Heat
                                                   nov  The Henry Cavendish         02  Virtual
                  nov  Pipeline and Pipeline Network Compliance  03  Lecture Series Virtual
                 02-03  Virtual                                                    London and South East SECTION
                                                                                    oct   YPPC Section Heat
                  nov  IGEM/G/5 - Gas in Multi Occupancy   social housing           11  Virtual
                 09-10  Buildings Virtual         Building Regulation Compliance for Gas in Social
                                                   oct  Housing
                  nov  Hydrogen and the Natural Gas Network  11  Virtual           Save the Date
                 23-24  Virtual                                                     NOV  Gas Utilisation 2021
                                                                                    17  Virtual
                  nov  IGEM/G/5 - Gas in Multi Occupancy   Section Events
                 25-26  Buildings Virtual         Midlands Section                  DEC  YPPC Final
                                                   oct  YPPC Section Heat           15  Hybrid (IGEM House and Virtual)
                 nov-dec  IGEM/G/5 - Gas in Multi Occupancy   14  IGEM House, Kegworth
                 30-01  Buildings Virtual
                                                  North East and Yorkshire Section
                  dec  IGEM/G/5 - Gas in Multi Occupancy   oct  YPPC Section Heat  *IGEM events and training courses are subject to change based
                 07-08  Buildings Virtual          21  Venue tbc                   on government guidance relating to Covid-19 please check the
                                                                                   website for the latest information.


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