Page 39 - Gi_October2021
P. 39
igem news
JAMES HOWITT is studying Mechanical scholarship. Explaining why she chose says has enabled her to embark on her
Engineering (MEng) at the University this course, Kate said: “I like the broad next challenge.
of Bristol. On his reasons for choosing nature of the Cambridge engineering “I chose to advance my studies in
the course, he said: “I have always been course for the first two years, which Chemical Engineering so that I can
fascinated in how things work and have will help me to gain a grounding accumulate the skills necessary to
always wanted to pursue a career in in many different engineering tackle some of the greatest challenges
engineering. An engineering degree disciplines. Many problems, such as facing humanity in the 21st century.
was, therefore, always the natural making the transportation industry A combination of climate change,
choice for me. more sustainable, will require an population growth, and exploitation
“The scholarship will allow me to intersectional approach and I believe of resources have led us to the tipping
invest in my degree and upgrade my this course will help with that. point of an energy and water crisis. I
computer hardware and CAD software. “I don’t yet know what type of appreciate the necessity and power of
For future years, it will significantly engineering career I want to pursue, the subject to tackle climate change
ease the burden of key course costs. but studying this subject will hopefully while meeting the world’s ever-growing
“It is an exciting time for the energy open many doors. I find it very exciting demand for resources,” she said.
industry due to the innovative changes that after learning the basic principles “Pursuing this course will not only
being made to push towards net zero. of some areas of engineering, some equip me with the qualifications
Research and practical demonstrations thousands of years old, I will be able necessary for chartership but will also
into integrating hydrogen gas into to apply these to new and urgent be an invaluable chance to enrich my
the wider network are especially challenges,” she added. engineering knowledge, which I can
interesting and have the potential to transfer to my future career to make a
make a significant step towards this CHRIS PACKWOOD is a recipient of the real difference”.
target,” he added. postgraduate scholarship. He currently
works as a Project Delivery Engineer LANCE NEWHOUSE, recipient of this year’s
ELLIOT SALTMARSH is a recipient of our and is studying MSc Engineering EngTech development grant, is an
undergraduate scholarship and will be Management at Brunel University, Emergency Engineer for Cadent,
studying Chemical Engineering at the which he chose in order to further having changed direction after 15 years
University of Nottingham. His course expand his knowledge and experience of working in the gas industry as a
includes a year in industry and Elliot of management and to enable him to Domestic/Commercial Engineer.
chose it due to the diversity within work towards becoming a Chartered “I intend to use the IGEM funding
the discipline, which he says will Engineer with IGEM. to assist me in competing a NEBOSH
enable him to pursue a range of career “The IGEM scholarship has enabled certificate, which I have recently started,
paths. He said: “This includes the me to take on the course with joint with a view to commencing a HNC
development of the global gas industry support from Cadent. IGEM has in Mechanical Engineering through
through hydrogen production, as I provided fantastic mentoring and Teesside University this winter. This
have a keen interest in sustainable guidance through my mentor Bob will provide me with a solid foundation
energy generation. Murray, who I meet up with on a regular for future opportunities and develop my
“The IGEM scholarship will basis,” he said. technical knowledge,” he said.
undoubtedly benefit my studies, as it “I am excited for the future of the “I aspire to progress to Incorporated
will motivate me to ensure I utilise this gas industry and the transition to Engineer status with IGEM and work as
opportunity and it has already provided hydrogen. It is great to be a part of a project manager within the hydrogen
me with an interest in gas that I can IGEM, leading the change in the energy integration area of gas in the coming years.
explore further. I am excited by the networks,” he added. “I enjoy problem solving and I am
prospect of a career in gas engineering hoping to inspire young people into
and my future goal is to become a JENNIFER MCGEENEY is currently an Asset engineering along the way,” he added.
Chartered Engineer,” he added. Management Intern with Irish Water
and studies Advanced Chemical IGEM’s scholarships, grants and
KATE LUCAS will be studying Engineering Engineering at the University of awards are here to support you on your
at the University of Cambridge and Manchester. She is a recipient of the educational journey and beyond. For
is a recipient of the undergraduate postgraduate scholarship, which she more information visit
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