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igem news
EVENTS to pass a net zero emissions law and
demonstrated its global leadership in
the fight to curb the effects of climate
change and pursue efforts to keep
global warming to less than 1.5°C
by 2100, in accordance with United
Nations climate goals and the 2015
Paris Agreement.
The UK government has published
two key documents that start to set
out its strategy to decarbonise its
energy system and tackle climate
change: The 10-Point Plan for a Green
Industrial Revolution, and the Energy
White Paper: Powering our Net Zero
Future. The measures set out in the
Energy White Paper are estimated
to reduce carbon emissions across
power, industry and buildings by up
to 230MtCO₂e in the period to 2032,
and in delivering this, support up to
220,000 jobs per year by 2030.
Alongside investment in areas such as
offshore wind, heat pump installation,
carbon capture utilisation and storage
(CCUS) and the development of
industrial clusters, there are promising
commitments made to hydrogen.
In response to these, the UK gas
networks published via ENA Britain’s
Hydrogen Network Plan. This year’s
conference will look at the engineering
challenges and opportunities this plan
offers our industry and will share some
of the key projects being delivered to
drive forward a hydrogen economy.
LEADING FROM The structure of the conference
THE FRONT Hydrogen Network Plan, namely:
will follow the four key tenets of the
Ensuring people’s safety
Maintaining security of supply
Focusing on people’s needs
Join IGEM for this year’s virtual Annual Conference, during Delivering jobs and investment
Each session will have speakers
which leading experts from around the world of gas will beam who will be able to give an in-depth
engineering/technical presentation.
into your homes and offices to bring you the latest insights In addition, we will have speakers
from the front line of the energy transition from the networks on a session, during
which we will hear an overview of
AROUND THE WORLD, there is the policy actions needed to deliver their work in relation to the Hydrogen
growing concern over greenhouse the Hydrogen Network Plan, the Network Plan.
gas emissions caused by human role of hydrogen-ready appliances A new feature this year will be the
activity. As governments, scientific and and hybrid heating systems, the session run by our Young Persons
environmental groups attempt to tackle challenges posed by hydrogen Network during which our younger gas
this climate emergency, the UK gas production and network flexibility professionals will carry out a series of
industry is already putting its plan to and strategies to deliver the world’s online workshops alongside industry
contribute to a net zero future into action. first net zero gas system alongside gas leaders to explore what needs to be
This October, IGEM’s Annual networks, government, regulators and done to encourage young engineers
Conference returns to your screens others over the coming years. into our industry.
with a mission to bring you the full In 2019, the UK government made a
blueprint for the transition to 100 per legal commitment to reduce its carbon The conference will be broadcast
cent hydrogen. emissions to net zero by 2050, with live and will be available to watch
Road to 2050: Leading the Energy the Scottish government committing afterwards via our IGEMtv platform.
Transition will take place virtually on to net zero by 2045. By doing so, the Book your place today by visiting
19 and 20 October and will address UK became the first major economy
15/09/2021 12:24
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