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                                                                                    build on this research, incorporating
                                                                                    environmental and socio-economic
                                                                                    data and a more sophisticated
                                                                                    understanding of household energy
                                                                                    use gathered through the community
                                                                                    learning platform.
                                                                                       Knowledge sharing to help meet
                                                                                    widespread demand from policy
                                                                                    makers, homeowners and businesses
                                                                                    for understandable, costed solutions
                                                                                    for housing retrofit and heat
                                                                                    decarbonisation, establishing East
                                                                                    Birmingham as a pioneer of green
                                                                                    energy and fuel poverty solutions.

                                                                                     The Birmingham Energy Institute
                                                               CADENT FOUNDATION GRANT FUNDS EAST   will work in partnership with Places in
                                                             BIRMINGHAM HEAT TEST AND LEARN PROJECT  Common, a public policy co-operative
                                                                                   working to drive systems change, and
                 THE BIRMINGHAM ENERGY Institute   groups, businesses, industry, and   The Active Wellbeing Society (TAWS),
                 has been awarded a £123,900 grant   government bodies to explore   a community benefit society and
                 from the Cadent Foundation to develop   opportunities, share knowledge   cooperative focused on developing
                 a new collaborative approach for   and define future approaches and   healthy, happy communities living
                 engaging local communities in the   innovation. It will bring together   active and connected lives.
                 transition to net zero.           different groups to identify new   Julia Dwyer, Director of the Cadent
                   The funding will be used to create   measures, develop common language   Foundation, said: “We’re delighted
                 the East Birmingham Community     on retrofit and heat decarbonisation   to partner with Birmingham Energy
                 Heat Test and Learn project. This new   and facilitate a better understanding   Institute on this initiative which will not
                 initiative aims to create solutions to   of residents’ lived experience of   only directly benefit households in East
                 address the challenges of retrofit and   heating their homes.     Birmingham but will hopefully also create
                 heat decarbonisation, by bringing      Developing business and financing   a blueprint for new strategies across
                 together residents, policy makers and   models for retrofit and energy   the UK. Projects like this have a huge
                 businesses, and engaging them in the   systems that can be tailored and   part to play in engaging everyone in the
                 journey to net zero.              used as a template for schemes   transition to net zero, ensuring no one is
                   The project will focus on three core   across the UK. Initial modelling   left behind in the drive to a greener, more
                 elements:                         has identified the areas across East   sustainable energy future.”
                     Creating an East Birmingham   Birmingham in greatest need of
                  community learning platform      retrofit and new heating solutions,    The Cadent Foundation is funded by
                  to offer a real-time shared      but which are least able to afford   Cadent. For more information, visit
                  space for residents, community   the new measures. The project will

                 combination of our services in this   power prices develop and what   shop for their energy projects.
                 area is an excellent strategic fit.   factors can affect their evolution in   “We are providing a holistic
                 Antuko joining the DNV family gives   each market is also critical to help   approach, covering both the
                 us the opportunity to offer better   decision makers fully understand the   technical dimension of the project,
                 services to our customers,” he added.   risk landscape they operate in and so   including the amount of energy a
                   “Through this integration into DNV,   make the right investment choices for   project and portfolio could generate
                 Antuko will gain access to a much   their risk preferences.      based on technology and also the
                 larger global network as well as the   Santiago Blanco, Regional Director,   market revenues that they could
                 opportunity to expand its services,”   Southern Europe, Middle East, Africa   obtain as well as ways to optimise
                 said Olivier Potart, founder and CEO   and Latin America Energy Systems   a customer’s commercial strategy.
                 of Antuko.                      at DNV, concludes: “The integration   With this acquisition, DNV continues
                   Reliable power price forecasts are   of Antuko's capabilities into our   to consolidate its position as a market
                 essential to the decision-making   DNV portfolio offers our customers,   leader in the very dynamic market of due
                 process for energy investments.   investors, financial institutions,   diligence for energy project finance and
                 Deeper insight into how wholesale   owners and operators, a one-stop-  mergers and acquisitions advisory.”


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