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INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATES hub at Portsdown Hill.
SGN Commercial Services was
heavily involved in the development of
first-generation biomethane network
SGN COMMERCIAL SERVICES entry facility designs and specifications,
enabling significant volumes of
AWARDED £70M BIOGAS renewable green gas to enter the gas
network serving approximately six
million customers in Scotland and
CONTRACT WITH THAMES WATER south-east England. SGN’s network
aims to increase its biomethane
injection into the grid, bringing the
number of homes receiving renewable
energy from approximately 200,000 to
450,000 by the end of GD2.
The initial project in collaboration
with Thames Water is located at its
Deephams sewage treatment site in
Edmonton, North London. Sewage
will be used to create biomethane as
a heat and power alternative, which
will help offset more than 8,000 tonnes
GAS-TO-GRID TECHNOLOGY IS EXPECTED of carbon dioxide from entering the
It will see the implementation of biogas
SGN COMMERCIAL SERVICES has CHPs reach the end of their lives and upgrading and grid entry equipment to
been awarded a position on an eight- Renewal Obligation Certificates (ROC) enable biomethane injection into the
year framework to design, construct, subsidies decline. local gas pipeline infrastructure.
operate and maintain biogas processing Thames Water is an early adopter of The implementation phase at
installations at Thames Water’s gas-to-grid technology and completed Deephams began earlier this year and is
wastewater treatment facilities, with an the first industry project at its Didcot expected to be completed by March 2022.
estimated contract value of £70 million. facility back in 2010. The £7.3 million scheme will use
The UK wastewater sector has the The water company now has plans to the gas generated during the sewage
potential to generate enough biogas increase its gas-to-grid installations and treatment process to produce six million
to heat over 360,000 homes each year has selected SGN Commercial Services cubic metres of methane annually –
through injection into the UK gas grid, to work alongside it on these projects. enough to heat 3,500 homes in Enfield.
helping to green the gas distribution SGN Commercial Services has Director of Commercial Services and
network, reducing carbon emissions and been leading the development of the Investments Marcus Hunt said: “We
meeting UK government net zero targets. UK’s biomethane industry for over want to continue to be at the forefront
A large proportion of the UK water ten years, supporting clients through of providing heat to UK homes and
sector’s anaerobic digestion facilities all aspects of gas-to-grid delivery businesses and recognise the renewable
currently use gas to generate power including finance, design and build and energy investments required to ensure
through combined heat and power operations phases. It has an established the sustainability of our gas network
(CHP) engines, but with the water sector a portfolio of projects and has worked and supporting decarbonisation goals.
committed to reaching net zero by on approximately 30 new plant This includes growth in gas-to-grid
2030, gas-to-grid technology is expected installations including its own world- biomethane projects in partnership
to become increasingly important as first biomethane injection and blending with UK water companies.”
DNV, THE INDEPENDENT energy currently provides Antuko’s services the development, financing and
expert and assurance provider, in the Chilean, Mexican and Iberian construction of more than 4GW of
has acquired the consulting arm power markets. new renewable assets.
of Antuko, a leading energy price Antuko was founded in 2010 in “DNV and Antuko have been
forecaster. Antuko, which is Chile to provide incoming non- collaborating in the Iberian, Mexican
headquartered in Chile, specialises in conventional renewable energy and Chilean energy markets for some
quantitative analysis, risk assessment, developers with key data and time, particularly when there is a
market intelligence, transactional intelligence to help them penetrate need for power forecasting or any
advice and market representation. that market. Later, Antuko expanded kind of financial approach to energy
Its global team of qualified experts into Mexico, Spain and Portugal. As generation and its commercialisation
has extensive experience in electrical of today, it has carried out more than strategy,” said Ditlev Engel, CEO
market analysis and modelling, and 300 consulting projects, helping of Energy Systems at DNV. “The
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