Page 13 - Gi February 2022
P. 13
I n June 2019, the UK government authority for net zero, to support for Business, Energy and Industrial
Strategy (BEIS) and Her Majesty’s
this and future governments in
announced a world-leading net zero
Treasury (HMT), to demonstrate it
target to cease domestic carbon
connecting its net zero action into an
unprecedented cohesive delivery effort,
has cross-departmental backing
emissions by the year 2050.
Two years on, the UK finds itself
at a landmark moment on the road to of the scale and pace of change never and fits with the UK’s financial and
budgetary policies.
seen in peacetime before.
this target, as President for COP26 and This nine-month cross-party inquiry Report co-chair Darren Jones MP,
releasing key strategies that will determine has shown that to move quickly enough Chair of the BEIS Select Committee,
the decarbonisation of our society. to deliver on our net zero ambition, said: “I would like to thank Policy
In these two years however, the the government needs to take, in a Connect for their report detailing a
UK has also experienced the serious very visible and high-profile way, three roadmap to net zero.
challenges presented by the coronavirus important steps. “Now Parliament must consider
pandemic and its widespread impacts. First, every government department which pathways will help us to reach
In light of these circumstances, the needs to publicly sign up to apply a Net our legally binding net zero targets
path to net zero not only presents an Zero Test to its individual strategies and and achieve a just transition. The
opportunity to urgently cease domestic policies and be held to account. government must not waste the
contributions to climate change, but Second, local government and its momentum that we’ve gained from
also to build a green future and embed partners – who have the reach into local COP26. Now is the time for delivery, so I
low carbon measures in daily life as communities and businesses – need to welcome the publication of this action-
part of recovery from Covid-19. be empowered to plan the transition orientated report.”
Important pieces of the puzzle and resourced to make it happen. Report co-chair Wera Hobhouse
of net zero have come in the form Third, the government needs to MP said: “A coordinated response
of the government’s Energy White establish a net zero delivery authority involving local people is vital for the
Paper, Transport Decarbonisation with the responsibility for bridging UK to reach net zero.
Plan, Industrial Decarbonisation the gaps across government and its “My constituents have many
Strategy, Hydrogen Strategy, and Heat agencies as well as between central and questions about reaching net zero
and Buildings Strategy, as well as its local government, and to provide the and how this might impact their lives
overarching Net Zero Strategy. drive and leadership to enact it. Whilst and this report sets out an impressive
Almost every government department being accountable to government and approach that connects local people
has a role to play in making net zero Parliament for delivering on net zero to policymakers as the UK works
a reality. Despite these commitments, strategies and working within the towards a zero-carbon future. A just
there is currently a lack of follow- framework set by government, this transition must be central to any net
through and coordination between authority should have the autonomy zero programme.”
these policies and stakeholders, which to make the necessary implementation
limits the successful implementation of decisions. It would need to work Connecting the Watts: The case for
decarbonisation plans. across the UK’s nations and regions. a net zero delivery authority was
Unless coordination is prioritised, To provide assurance to business and sponsored by Baxi Heating, E.On, Energy
the UK is in danger of missing its 2050 people about its longevity and clout, it & Utilities Alliance, IGEM and Worcester
net zero target. Policy Connect’s latest should be established by statute and Bosch Group. Read the full report at
inquiry proposes a public delivery sponsored jointly by the Department
A joined-up approach to the energy
system is needed, which requires
POLICY CONNECT’S action-focused CONNECTING CENTRAL TO LOCAL the breaking down of silos between
report, Connecting the Watts, calls for a Local government and communities electricity, heat, transport and
net zero delivery authority to provide have a crucial role to play in reaching industry and the joining up of
delivery leadership in England and net zero. The low carbon transition physical requirements of the energy
make net zero happen must centre multi-directional system with policy, markets and
communication and leadership digital arrangements. Infrastructure
CONNECTING DEPARTMENTS between local authorities and central development and upgrades must also
AND STRATEGIES government departments. Local precede the roll-out of low carbon
Strategies and targets across authorities must be given long- technology and products. This would
government must work together to term resources that allow them to optimise consumer cost and experience,
meet the net zero target. Applying plan, autonomy to make transition and maximise energy efficiency savings.
a Net Zero Test to all spending decisions in their areas and the Whilst this will be the responsibility of
decisions and policy announcements requisite staff and funding to carry the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
would help ensure these are out these functions. (Ofgem) and a potential Independent
compatible with, and actively A net zero delivery authority would Systems Operator, a net zero delivery
contribute to, net zero by 2050. provide the forum to coordinate these authority will have a brokering role to
Government should agree and publish relationships and help oversee local play in this process to ensure it feeds into
whole-of-government metrics on the decarbonisation plans. strategy delivery with local government,
delivery of its net zero targets. businesses and consumers.
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CarbonConnectReport.indd 2
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