Page 18 - Gi February 2022
P. 18
Executive summary
The first timeline the project created was a target driven
throughout 2022 and 2023 to deliver the change
timeline, the project also created a second timeline called
timeline related to the date set-out in the 2020 BEIS Energy
White Paper to enable hydrogen blending by 2023. In contrast to the target driven nature of the target 2023 industry engagement and collaboration taking place
Sustained Progress. This timeline shows steady progress
The ‘Target 2023’ timeline showcases that whilst there with pre-work still being undertaken but highlights how
are uncertainties and unknowns, with the right level of the uncertainties related to certain change activities could Both timelines and the details related to each change
collaboration, engagement, and coordination it would extend timelines. The Sustained Progress timeline still results activity can be found within the full report.
be possible to enact gas market change at an accelerated in all the market frameworks being updated by the end of
pace to meet the 2023 target. It is important to highlight 2024 to enable blending, with residual system change
special delivery: britain’s hydrogen blending delivery plan
being completed in 2025. This timeline still showcases
that this timeline is driven by the government target and
there is uncertainty regarding the volume of physical
hydrogen production that will be available to be
connected to the networks in 2023.
on the most suitable parts of the TARGET 2023 MARKET PILLAR TIMELINE
Target 2023 Market Pillar Timeline
network, considering a number of
A key reason why the 2023 target could be met was the
potential factors, including where Pillar 2021 2022 2023
concept of undertaking informal pre-work before a final
policy decision is taken on whether to go forward with
would maximise hydrogen blending Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
network blending. This final policy decision is expected
volumes and where on the network Primary Legislation Legislative Position (inc. CBA)
from BEIS in 2023. The Market Pillar timeline below
would allow efficient control and
shows how the interaction between the informal and
formal processes could deliver accelerated change to
operation of blends. Regulation (Billing) Informal Formal
meet the government target. The pre-work would need
to be undertaken in a collaborative way to build industry
Free Market Approach
consensus to expedite formal process timescales. It should Licence Informal Formal
also be noted that the pre-work shown would have to be
The Free Market Approach mimics the
completed ‘at risk’ (i.e. before the formal policy decision
existing arrangements for connections Code (UNC) Informal Formal
is taken).This risk could reduce the willingness of industry
to the gas networks and would let the
parties to engage.
market decide where to inject hydrogen Safety (GS(M)R) Formal
into the network, with the hydrogen
capacity being made available on a
“first come, first served” basis. the end of 2024 to enable blending, that change is undertaken in parallel
with residual system change being and there is clear communication
TIMELINES completed in 2025. This timeline still across the different work streams.
The first timeline the project created showcases industry engagement and
was a target-driven timeline related collaboration taking place throughout Need for industry collaboration
to the date set out in the 2020 BEIS 2022 and 2023 to deliver the change 4 and engagement before final policy
Energy White Paper to enable hydrogen required. Both timelines and the details decision is made. If the industry waits
blending by 2023. The Target 2023 related to each change activity can be until a formal policy decision is made
timeline showcases that whilst there are found within the full report. before starting to try and answer some
uncertainties and unknowns, with the of the outstanding questions related to
right level of collaboration, engagement, It is important to highlight blending, it will delay the implementation
and coordination it would be possible that this timeline is driven by of network blending. It is vital that those
to enact gas market change at an parties who are responsible for leading
accelerated pace to meet the 2023 target. the government target and market change activities undertake
It is important to highlight that this there is uncertainty regarding collaborative pre-work to ensure the
timeline is driven by the government the volume of physical relevant market changes are completed
target and there is uncertainty regarding in a clear and ordered way.
the volume of physical hydrogen hydrogen production that will
production that will be available to be be available to be connected Implement quick-win system
connected to the networks in 2023. A key to the networks in 2023 5 solutions first. Central IT systems
reason why the 2023 target could be met cannot be a barrier to innovation
was the concept of undertaking informal and change. Engaging with service
pre-work before a final policy decision CONCLUSIONS providers at the earliest opportunity
is taken on whether to go forward with The key project conclusions are and implementing the quick wins in the
network blending. summed up below and the complete first instance would reduce the potential
This final policy decision is expected suite of recommendations can be found risk of IT system change delaying the
from BEIS in 2023. The Market Pillar within the full report. rollout of hydrogen network blending.
timeline shows how the interaction 2023 is an ambitious yet achievable The impacts on third party systems also
between the informal and formal 1target. The Target 2023 timeline need to be considered when developing
processes could deliver accelerated showcases how the 2023 date for quick-win system solutions to ensure
change to meet the government market framework change can be met, the industry has time to complete their
target. The pre-work would need to be through a route of minimum viable necessary changes.
undertaken in a collaborative way to change to deliver blending.
build industry consensus to expedite Stakeholders’ views are very important
formal process timescales. It should also Early policy clarity can accelerate to the Gas Goes Green programme as
be noted that the pre-work shown would 2 change. With minimal infrastructure they can help shape and enhance future
have to be completed ‘at risk’ (i.e., before changes required to enable blending the deliverables. If you would like to discuss
the formal policy decision is taken). earlier policy clarity can be provided, any aspect of this project or find out how
This risk could reduce the willingness of the more it de-risks industry parties, the you can get involved in the wider Gas Goes
industry parties to engage. more it will drive up engagement and Green programme, please contact ENA at
In contrast to the target driven collaboration and the quicker formal Read
nature of the Target 2023 timeline, change processes can commence. the full report at
the project also created a second
timeline called Sustained Progress. Delivery of the timeline requires
This timeline shows steady progress 3 centralised coordination of change
with pre-work still being undertaken, plans. Robust coordination from a
but highlights how the uncertainties centralised body of change plans from
related to certain change activities across the blending value stream would
could extend timelines. The Sustained remove the risk of piecemeal change
Progress timeline still results in all the and ensure the change is delivered in a
market frameworks being updated by coherent and structured way. It is vital
27/01/2022 11:57
HydrogenBlendingReport.indd 3
HydrogenBlendingReport.indd 3 27/01/2022 11:57