Page 14 - Gi_November2021
P. 14

are we ready?

                 boilers in small- to medium-sized
                 properties, where domestic hot water
                 is produced instantaneously. This
                 eliminated the need for a hot water
                 storage cylinder, leaving many newer
                 property designs without space for
                 one. Heat pump output powers do not
                 support instantaneous heating of hot
                 water, meaning upgraded systems
                 will once again require the use of a
                 hot water store (or means to store the
                 thermal energy produced for hot water).
                   This presents a major challenge for
                 transitioning homes with combination
                 boilers over to low temperature systems.
                 Similarly, microbore circulating
                 pipework has been widely used since   future low carbon technologies.   deliver six to eight per cent efficiency
                 the 1970s. In high temperature systems   This paper highlights that hybrid   improvements and should not
                 the primary circulation flowrates   approaches could be an effective way   be overlooked as part of a wider
                 are relatively low, so the higher flow   to accelerate the move to low carbon   programme of change.
                 resistance generated by microbore pipes   heating. Use of a control system ensures   This is especially relevant where
                 does not cause issues.           that the most suitable technology is   properties have already received
                   However, low temperature systems,   used, with a heat pump satisfying the   insulation upgrades. Perhaps most
                 such as those using heat pumps,   majority of a home’s demand.    important of all, this paper has shown
                 require much higher circulation rates.   The remaining gas boiler would only   that extensive retraining of the
                 It is likely that many existing systems   be used for support during the coldest   installer base will be necessary for any
                 will require replacement of at least   days of the year when demand is   successful transition.
                 some pipework where new heating   highest. Again, homeowners will need   This will ensure correct
                 appliances are set to be installed.   incentives to take this step, not least   assessment of existing systems,
                   It is likely that radiators were also   sight of lower running costs.   as well as the identification of
                 sized based on higher flow temperatures,   The paper also shows there remains   appropriate technologies and system
                 meaning some will need to be replaced   a significant number of households   improvements, including design,
                 to achieve a sufficient heat output. These   using a mains gas combination boiler.   installation and commissioning.
                 kinds of major retrofit exercises will   In many cases, major changes to   All low carbon technologies require
                 be expensive and disruptive for many   pipework, controls and heat emitters   this to ensure the theoretical energy
                 people. Yet there is now an urgent need   will be necessary in these properties,   savings are realised in practice.
                 to transition existing building stock over   notwithstanding the lack of a hot   Consumer awareness campaigns will
                 to newer low carbon heating and hot   water store.                also be needed to help homeowners
                 water systems.                     These systems are best suited to   understand why transition is vital.
                   As such, homeowners will likely   replacement with a hydrogen boiler, but   This should include information about
                 need incentivising so that proactive   the infrastructure necessary to deliver   differences in performance and why
                 work can be carried out. This will   this system is still in development.   behavioural changes are necessary to
                 mean appropriate consideration of   Clear commitment from the     extract the best energy savings and
                 heat pumps, hybrids and preparing for   government in support of a hydrogen   carbon reductions. The campaign can be
                 hydrogen boilers.                grid will be necessary to incentivise   backed by installers but would benefit
                                                  boiler manufacturers to develop H₂-  from targeted advice from trusted third-
                 PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE         ready models.                    party consumer advice bodies.
                 Ensuring systems are suitable for   Projects like HyDeploy, the UK’s first   Clements added: “There are many
                 heat pumps or other low temperature   demonstration of hydrogen in homes,   challenges ahead, but also a number
                 heating systems will mean retaining   will be essential for proving the fuel’s   of opportunities, not least in providing
                 the hot water store. In new builds, it   viability and more should be rolled out   extensive retraining for the UK installer
                 should be mandated that space be   across the country.            base. The Heating up to Net Zero paper
                 retained for future installation of                               looks at these in detail, highlighting the
                 a cylinder, while older properties   OPPORTUNITIES                different ageing systems that circulate
                 should be encouraged to replace.   There are many challenges ahead but   heat and hot water in our homes, and
                   As with many heating appliances,   also a number of opportunities. Existing   aims to ensure they are adequately
                 old cylinders are relatively inefficient,   boilers are more efficient if operated   covered by future government policy.”
                 having a much higher heat loss, poor   at lower primary flow temperatures,
                 thermal transfer characteristics and a   though this may require upgrades to    The Heating and Hotwater Industry
                 very simple interface with the heating   system piping and controls.   Council (HHIC) is a member organisation
                 system. The introduction of a cylinder   However, mandating low    committed to using its knowledge and
                 scrappage scheme, or discounted   temperature system retrofit measures   expertise to define practical solutions
                 purchase scheme for DHW cylinders   would reduce the cost of adding a heat   for decarbonising heat and hot water in
                 or thermal stores, would not only make   pump at a later date.    UK homes and businesses. Read the full
                 hot provision more efficient but equip   Low temperature heating systems   whitepaper Heating up to Net Zero at
                 homes with appliances necessary for   with existing gas boilers can also


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