Page 18 - Gi_April2022
P. 18

level up!

                 and the South East, have the potential to
                 build on existing areas of strength, such
                 as renewable energy, electric vehicle
                 manufacture, carbon capture, utilisation
                 and storage (CCUS) and hydrogen.
                   Some industries will require significant
                 upskilling. Those currently employed in
                 carbon-intensive sectors tend to be most
                 vulnerable to long-term unemployment.
                   To avoid this risk, the government
                 suggests those places will need to re-
                 skill their workforce so that the new
                 jobs created are located there.
                   As set out in the UK government’s                                            DRAX POWER STATION, NORTH YORKSHIRE
                 10-Point Plan and Net Zero Strategy,
                 successful re-skilling of this type could   United Kingdom – yet if the industry   We hope that the white paper’s plan
                 boost living standards and support   was supported to facilitate a wholesale   to empower our regions with deeper
                 jobs in poor places undergoing the   conversion of the gas networks to   devolution and the autonomy to create
                 sharpest transition.             hydrogen, we could do so much more.”  tailored skills programmes that meet
                                                    Similarly, Professor Joe Howe,   the needs of local industry can drive
                 HOW HAS THE ENGINEERING SECTOR   Chair of the North West Hydrogen   our work to achieve this.”
                 RESPONDED?                       Alliance and Executive Director, Energy   EngineeringUK’s Head of Public
                 Howard Forster, Chief Operations   Research Institute at the University   Affairs Beatrice Barleon said: “We
                 Officer at Cadent, responded to the   of Chester, stressed the importance   welcome the long-term vision of
                 white paper by saying: “Our industry,   of hydrogen in bringing economic   the Levelling Up white paper and
                 along with some others, already   opportunities to the UK’s industrial   its recognition of the importance
                 delivers opportunities to some of the   heartlands. He said: “Hydrogen will   of education and skills in ensuring
                 poorest and most deprived parts of the   be essential to delivering net zero and   opportunity is spread more equally
                 United Kingdom. Cadent employs about   driving the green industrial revolution.   across the country.
                 6,000 staff, the vast majority of which   “In regions like the North West, the   “As the paper rightly recognises,
                 are highly skilled engineers.    burgeoning hydrogen economy will   ‘human capital’ is vital to the long-term
                   “For example, in South Yorkshire, one   not only deliver the decarbonisation   success of this country. Ensuring that
                 area identified by many as a levelling   of our homes, industries and transport   all young people regardless of where
                 up priority, we provide work to over 250   systems, it will drive new skills,   they live, and their background, have
                 skilled engineers and support staff –   thousands of jobs and millions of   the opportunity to succeed must always
                 each one of which has the opportunity                             be central to that ambition.
                 to progress and grow their careers.                                 “We also welcome the future skills
                   “I, and many colleagues, have benefited  “In regions like the North   unit and the engineering voice on the
                 from the opportunities for growth and   West, the burgeoning hydrogen   levelling up advisory council. Together
                 success that we all already enjoy. I   economy will not only deliver   with the wider engineering sector, we
                 think levelling up will be a success if, as                       have long argued for government to
                 Michael Gove suggests, it becomes about   the decarbonisation of our   have a better central understanding of
                 creating more of these opportunities   homes, industries and transport   the skills gaps in this country, enabling
                 across more parts of our country.  systems, it will drive new skills,   more targeted policies to fill those gaps.
                   “That is where private enterprises   thousands of jobs and millions   The engineering sector has for a long-
                 like Cadent can lead. We are working, as                          time struggled with skills shortages
                 part of our ambition to support the move   of pounds of investment"  and this provides a real opportunity to
                 towards net zero, to bring new skills, and                        address those challenges.
                 with them, new opportunities, to every   pounds of investment.      “The white paper rightly identifies
                 corner of our networks.”           “We welcome the Levelling Up   many of the challenges the country
                   He added: “As part of that plan, we   white paper and urge government   faces and brings together in a more
                 will by 2024 to open a hydrogen skills   to continue to support hydrogen as   coherent format the policies that
                 academy, preparing the engineers of the   making a significant contribution to   already exist to address those, as well
                 future. And we have committed to, by   levelling up the UK.”      as announces some new ones. We
                 the same year, developing a hydrogen   Ged Barlow, Chief Executive of Net   now look forward to working with the
                 education programme.”            Zero North West, echoed this sentiment,   different departments and the levelling
                   Looking to the future of the gas   saying: “We welcome the publication   up advisory council to develop some
                 industry, Mr Forster said: “We will   of the Levelling Up white paper, which   of the detail that will ensure that we as
                 be getting out there and creating   is clear that the transformation of our   a country provide young people with
                 opportunities for many thousands of   industrial heartlands into clean growth   STEM skills that they need in order to
                 young people and those who want to re-  and green tech innovation hubs is   access the sectors that will create the
                 train, opportunities in every part of the   pivotal to delivering the key levelling up   jobs of tomorrow wherever they are.”
                 UK in which Cadent operates to become   mission of boosting productivity, pay,
                 an engineer in a new and exciting field.  jobs and living standards.    Read the full white paper Levelling
                   “The gas industry is already     “The North West is uniquely    Up the United Kingdom at
                 playing a significant role in bringing   positioned to deliver the UK’s first   government/publications/levelling-up-
                 opportunities to every corner of the   low carbon industrial cluster by 2030.   the-united-kingdom


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