Page 3 - Gi_May2022
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                   OUR CONTRIBUTORS                EDITOR’S LETTER

                                HARI                                  ‘ENERGY SECURITY’ IS the phrase on everyone’s lips at
                                VAMADEVAN                             the moment as the conflict in Ukraine has brought into
                                Senior Vice                           sharp relief how our reliance on foreign imports makes
                                President, DNV –                      us and our European neighbours vulnerable to
                                Energy Systems                        international turmoil.
                                Hari has 30                             As countries around the world scramble to accelerate
                                years’ experience                     goals for net zero emissions and energy independence,
                                in leadership                         rising fossil fuel prices are making life harder for ordinary
                   positions and now leads a                          people and businesses here and around the world.
                   700-strong team helping                              In light of this, the UK government has released its
                   customers make the transition to   Energy Security Strategy, which it hopes will speed up the process of achieving net
                   a decarbonised energy future. He   zero emissions, while also allowing the country to break free from the ties that
                   is currently head of the Energy   bind it to fluctuations on the global energy market.
                   Systems operations in the UK and   In this edition, we take a look at some of the details of the strategy, which include
                   Ireland and also chairs all DNV’s   a goal to double the previous target for hydrogen production, and we examine
                   UK entities. He is an authority on   some of the reactions from around the industry.
                   the complex facets of the whole   Speaking of good ideas on paper, IGEM CEO Ollie Lancaster asks whether solar
                   systems approach to the energy   panels and heat pumps can work together to support greener homes for a low
                   transition.                    carbon future. Spoiler alert: probably not.
                                                    Experts from S&P Global Ratings look at the major shift in energy policy
                                PIERRE            recently unveiled by the EU as part of the plan to slash imports of fossil fuels
                                GEORGES           from Russia. However, with alternatives still few and far between, utilities face
                                Global Head of    a difficult path ahead.
                                ESG in Credit       And DNV’s Hari Vamadevan brings us the latest research from the international
                                for Corporate &   energy community, for which the conflict and ongoing sanctions have led to deeply
                                Infrastructure    concerning supply issues.
                                Ratings at S&P      This edition is also packed with news from our Gas Utilisation conference,
                                Global Ratings    our Sir Denis Rooke Memorial Lecture, and our upcoming Gas Industry Awards.
                   based in Paris, France         We hope you enjoy the May edition,

                                CLERCQ Director
                                within the EMEA
                                Utilities team    SHARON BAKER-HALLAM
                                at S&P Global     BA (HONS) AIGEM
                                Ratings based in   INSTITUTION OF GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS (IGEM)
                                Paris, France

                   SEE YOUR WORK IN Gas international                   We are always seeking to share the latest research
                                                                        and ground-breaking industry developments in
                   IGEM’s journal. If you would like to see your work featured in the pages of Gi, contact the Editor by emailing
                   uk with a short synopsis of your contribution.

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