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industry & Government news


                                                                               THE REPORT WAS CHANGED TO REFER TO ‘UNABATED’ EMISSIONS
                 UK ‘TOO SLOW’ OVER CLIMATE


                 THE UK GOVERNMENT is moving too   actions are unlikely to meet its own   and aviation. And full implementation
                 slowly to tackle the climate emergency,   carbon reduction targets, let alone   of policies by 2024 (as recommended by
                 leading scientists have said in the   those set by the IPCC.      the Climate Change Committee) seems
                 wake of the latest IPCC report.    “Utility companies are still contacting   questionable.”
                   While the report warned that global   me about replacing my gas boiler   The report, stark as it is, was watered
                 emissions must peak by 2025 to stave   with a new gas boiler – no mention of   down after an intervention by Saudi
                 off the worst impacts of the climate   heat pumps. Will this approach allow   Arabia, according to Climate Home.
                 crisis, which would require decisive and   600,000 new installations per year by   After input by the major oil producer,
                 immediate action from all countries,   2028, as hoped by the government?  sources told the website that references
                 scientists say they are concerned the   “Grants to electric cars, £4,500 a few   to carbon capture technology were
                 UK government is dragging its feet,   years ago, are now £1,500 and now only   added. These methods remain unproven
                 according to The Guardian.       for those below £32k, with grants to   at commercial scale but could give a
                   Ajay Gambhir, a Senior Research Fellow   home chargers about to be cut as well.  reprieve to the fossil fuel industry.
                 at the Imperial College London Grantham   “The government’s net zero strategy   Compared to earlier drafts, references
                 Institute for Climate Change and the   of autumn 2021 has several good ideas   to shifting away from coal, oil and
                 Environment, warned: “It’s 1,013 days   to develop renewables, hydrogen,   gas were qualified with the word
                 since the UK government legislated for net   carbon capture, low carbon heating,   “unabated” and “fossil fuels with
                 zero… we’re not seeing translation of this   transport and industrial manufacturing.  carbon capture and storage” was
                 into on-the-ground measures fast enough.”  “But there’s basically nothing on   identified as a way to cut emissions in
                   He added that the government’s   behaviour changes, e.g., around diets   line with global climate goals.


                                                                                                                  21/04/2022   12:03
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