Page 9 - Gi_May2022
P. 9

industry & government news

                 ENGLAND FRACKING BAN                                              for low carbon energy sources, including

                                                                                   wind, solar, nuclear and hydrogen.
                                                                                     Western countries have imposed
                 GOES UNDER REVIEW                                                 extensive sanctions on Russia, one
                                                                                   of the world’s largest exporters of
                                                                                   fossil fuels, and are looking at ways of
                                                                                   reducing their reliance on its energy
                                                                                   supplies. The UK is not as dependent as
                                                                                   many of its allies on Russian oil and gas.
                                                                                     Kwarteng, who had previously
                                                                                   resisted calls to revive fracking, said it
                                                                                   was “absolutely right that we explore
                                                                                   all possible domestic energy sources”
                                                                                   in light of the decision by Russian
                                                                                   president Vladimir Putin to go to war
                                                                                   with Ukraine. He added that there
                                                                                   would be “ongoing demand for oil and
                                                                                   gas over the coming decades as we
                                                                                   transition to cheap renewable energy
                                                                                   and new nuclear power”.
                                                                                     But Kwarteng cautioned that
                                                                                   unless the latest scientific evidence
                                                                                   showed shale gas extraction was “safe,
                                                                                   sustainable and of minimal disturbance
                                                                                   to those living and working nearby, the
                                                                                   pause… [would] remain in place”.
                                                                                     He also said fracking would not
                                                               COULD UK SHALE BE BACK IN BUSINESS?  produce commercial quantities of gas for
                                                                                   many years “and would certainly have no
                 THE UK GOVERNMENT has ordered a   series of earthquakes when fracking an   effect on prices in the near term”.
                 scientific review into fracking just over   exploration well at a site in Lancashire.   Companies such as Cuadrilla, Ineos
                 two years after imposing an effective   The strongest tremor measured 2.9 on   and IGas have long argued that the UK
                 ban on the controversial technique as   the Richter scale, with some residents   has significant potential reserves of
                 it insisted “all possible” methods of   alleging damage to their properties,   shale gas and that fracking would open
                 producing energy domestically should   according to The Financial Times.  up a new source of domestic supply.
                 be kept on the table following Russia’s   In March, Prime Minister Boris   The technique has been responsible
                 invasion of Ukraine.             Johnson paved the way for a review   for an energy boom in the US but
                   Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng   of the decision after coming under   several leading scientists insist the UK’s
                 said he had asked the British Geological   pressure from some of his own   geology is unsuitable to support a shale
                 Survey (BGS) to assess whether there   Conservative MPs to reconsider fracking   gas industry.
                 had been any new developments in   as part of a new Energy Security Strategy   John Underhill, Director of the
                 the method used to extract natural gas   in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine.  Centre for Energy Transition at
                 trapped in shale formations that might   The strategy aims to reduce the UK’s   Aberdeen university, said the results
                 lead to the lifting of a 2019 moratorium   exposure to international commodity   of independent academic research
                 imposed in England on safety grounds.  markets in response to the war, which has   in recent years had demonstrated
                   The ban was imposed after the   sent already the already high cost of gas   that fracking sites in Lancashire were
                 private company Cuadrilla triggered a   and oil soaring. It includes big new targets   “geologically challenged”.

                   The new measures are “significantly
                 better than what we anticipated,” said
                 Richard Warren, Head of Policy and
                 External Affairs at the trade body UK
                 Steel, in an interview. However, the
                 industry is still awaiting details on
                 precisely how the compensation would
                 work in practice.
                   UK Steel Director General Gareth
                 Stace said in a statement that the
                 announcement “represents a major
                 step forward for the UK steel sector
                 and will provide some much-needed
                 relief in the face of extremely
                 challenging circumstances.”                                                  ENERGY CRUNCH FEARS FOR UK INDUSTRY


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