Page 49 - October 2019
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products and services guide

                                  Nationally approved framework contractors and
             Nationally approved framework contractors and consultants for
                                  consultants for design, engineering and project
                                  management services
             design, engineering and project management services.  The SVI SMARTester
                                  • Feasibility, conceptual and multi-discipline detailed
                Feasibility, conceptual and multi-discipline detailed design for all   The SVI SMARTester is a highly accurate Bluetooth pressure sensor
                                    design for all pipeline related facilities
             Nationally approved framework contractors and
              pipeline related facilities
             consultants for design, engineering and project  • Quantity surveying, contract documentation   that transmits data to a smartphone or tablet. Allowing evidence
             management services    and cost control               traceability, it offers a simple, accurate way to report live pressure
                Quantity surveying, contract documentation and cost control
             • Feasibility, conceptual and multi-discipline detailed  • Construction site management
                Construction site management
               design for all pipeline related facilities          tests back to an office database. The stainless steel pressure sensor
                HSE and CDM support services
             • Quantity surveying, contract documentation   • HSE and CDM support services
               and cost control            Dave Tapper on 01243 542509  ensures accurate readings between 0 and 700mbar and long distance
             • Construction site management  or Bob Rush and Beryl Holley on 01837 658 515  connectivity from up to 100m away.
                   +44 (0)1837 658 515
             • HSE and CDM support services  or Tony Ironside on 01252 370955
               + 44(0)1243 542 509            +44 (0) 1225 864864
                    Dave Tapper on 01243 542509
                 or Bob Rush and Beryl Holley on 01837 658 515
               +44 (0)1252 370 955         UKAS Approved 9001, 14001, 18001
                   or Tony Ironside on 01252 370955
                                                            INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATES
                                   INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATES
             G&J established since 1991.
                                                                   Hydrogen Consultancy
             Specialising in gas pipeline welding for:             Kiwa Gastec is a testing and certification body for hydrogen and other
                Pressure ranges LP to VHP     Pipeline sizes up to 48in  gas appliances and automotive components. We also specialise in
                GIRS CNRC hot welding      Pipeline diversions     fuel cell power, mCHP, portable device and fuel cell systems. This
                PRS/AGI remediation     Power station feeder mains  wide technological understanding fuels our consultancy services to
                Biomethane to grid mains     Hydrostatic testing services  government, utilities and commercial organisations.
                Nationwide coverage    Innovative connection techniques
                                                                      01242 677877
               029 2045 2027                                

              DRESSER           TM                                              BURNAGE

              METERING & PRESSURE REDUCTION SKIDS                               ASSOCIATES LIMITED
               Engineered solutions for the design, development and manufacture
               of Gas Measurement and Control products; Distribution & Transmission
               Systems; and Skid Solutions.
               T: +44 (0) 3330 164 360                               Network Analysis software package for piping systems
               E:                              containing natural gas or other compressible uids.
                                         Enhancements include:
                                                                      � A more efficient Graphical Data Interface
              REACH OUR NICHE AUDIENCE OF                             � Support for zoom and pan with the mousewheel
              OVER 4,000 gas PROFESSIONALS                            � Support for “User” graphic images
                                                                      · Support  for 3D coordinates and isometric display
                                                                      � Display icons, pictures or pdf documents in the model
                                                                      � Use pdf, jpg, tif and kml les as background images
                                                                      � Use default data, or from the last data feature
                                                                      � Import customer service lines from dxf or shp les
                                                                      � Enhanced Bill-Of-Material creation
                                                                      · Many more features not listed here

                                                                           For more information or enquires please
               advertise YOUR BUSINESS here                                       or call  02380 739 436

                Contact Ian JAMES on 0203 900 0146                   Bradley B Bean software is distributed within  Industrial Affiliate
                                                                     the UK and Eire by Burnage Associates Ltd.

              To ensure your company is included in this guide please email: or telephone Ian on 0203 900 0147

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