Page 46 - October 2019
P. 46

igem news


                                                                                   all aspects of the construction site, the
                                                                                   largest and most complex project in
                                                                                   Europe, which will result in a brand
                                                                                   new 3,200MW state of the art nuclear
                 FACTORY                                                           the UK’s energy mix for many decades
                 THE REACTOR  power station. The two water-cooled
                                                                                   reactors will deliver a key component of

                                                                                   to come, with the electricity generated
                                                                                   offsetting nine million tonnes of carbon
                                                                                   dioxide emissions a year, or 600 million
                                                                                   tonnes over its 60-year lifespan.
                                                                                     Hinkley Point C, the first nuclear
                                                                                   power station to be built in the UK in
                                                                                   over 20 years, will create over 25,000
                                                                                   job opportunities and up to 1,000
                 By Grant Rogers, IGEM South West Section Chair                    apprenticeships, with over 64 per cent
                                                                                   of the project’s construction value going
                 IN JULY, IGEM’S South West Section   backed by a consortium of familiar   to UK companies.
                 enjoyed a technical visit to the   names, began in 1957 with the station   Hinkley Point C is also home to the
                 construction site of a new nuclear   coming on line in 1965 and operating   world’s largest crane, affectionately
                 reactor currently taking shape at   for over three decades before it was   known as Big Carl – named after
                 Somerset’s Hinkley Point.        decommissioned in 2000.          Technical Solutions Director Carl
                   The event was a great success with 15   The site also includes the Hinkley   Sarens. Big Carl is being shipped to site
                 delegates, members and non-members   Point B station, comprised of two   via 280 trucks from nearby Bristol and
                 alike, meeting up at the visitor centre   1,494MWt advanced gas-cooled   although it was only part built during
                 in Bridgwater for security checks and a   reactors, commissioned in 1976 and   our visit, it was still very impressive.
                 short briefing before boarding a coach   expected to be decommissioned in 2023    We had excellent feedback from all
                 to the site with other visitors.  having exceeded its original design life.   who attended and we’re looking forward
                   The briefing explained the evolution   The station was shut down in 2006   to organising another visit early next
                 of nuclear power stations over the   for detailed inspections ahead of its life   year to review progress on the project.
                 decades at the wider Hinkley Point site,   extension, following which the reactors
                 which still includes the decommissioned   were recommissioned, although the    If you would like to join the committee
                 Hinkley Point A Magnox reactors housed   station now generates at around 80 per   to help organise more great events like
                 in two large buildings.          cent of its original design capacity.  this, please get in touch with us at
                   Construction of these reactors,   The hour-long sealed tour took in


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