Page 43 - October 2019
P. 43

igem news

                 Walter                           mobility improved considerably and a   accessed for a couple of months. The
                            Walter* had a disabled   new purpose-designed wheelchair was   atmosphere in the residential home
                            wife, disabled son and   suggested to further his progress. This   was severely affecting Ronnie’s health.
                            disabled daughter.    allowed him to drive short distances   Consequently, a more suitable care
                            He had become         in a specially adapted car, paid for   home had to be found. Obviously, this
                            progressively disabled   by a government scheme. Dennis   would be more expensive, so Ronnie
                            himself and suffered   wrote often to say how he was faring,   asked for a grant covering the difference
                 from stress and mental problems, as   always acknowledging the help he   in fees between the two homes. All his
                 well as progressive arthritis. He had   received from the Benevolent Fund. His   resources were temporarily tied up in
                 been forced to move house due to a job   quality of life improved dramatically   financing the purchase of his new home.
                 relocation, but had lost his job in far   over several years. Sadly, his health   There was a need to act quickly, so a fast
                 from straightforward circumstances.   deteriorated and he was hospitalised.   track approval was carried out. Taking
                 The condition of the house and the   The fund trustees kept in touch with   into account all the circumstances of
                 grounds around it had deteriorated due   Dennis and he continued to stress   Ronnie’s circumstances, it was decided
                 to his inability to maintain it, leading   the psychological value of knowing   that payment of the whole of the care
                 to a conflict with his neighbour. None   that IGEM maintained an interest in   home fees was justifiable.
                 of this was helping his health or the   him and would support him further,   Ronnie was greatly appreciative of the
                 health of his family. Walter was on   if needed. When Dennis passed away,   award. He and several friends and ex-
                 state benefits, so a regular payment   his special wheelchair was donated to   colleagues remarked how much relief
                 from the Benevolent Fund would   another patient in need.         the award had given him.
                 have resulted in a pro-rata reduction
                 of his income. Walter had previously   Janet                      Barry
                 applied for a grant towards building        Janet’s husband, a long          Retired IGEM member
                 repairs from the local authority, which     serving member, had              Barry was living with
                 had agreed a sum towards the cost.          passed away, leaving             Alzheimer’s disease
                 However, the offer had lapsed because       her confused and                 in a nursing home. He
                 Walter could not afford the balance to      concerned about her              required care around
                 pay for all the works required.             finances. She applied to         the clock. Apart from
                   IGEM approached Walter’s local   the Benevolent Fund for assistance. On   his Alzheimer’s, Barry was in otherwise
                 authority with a view to reinstating their   close examination of Janet’s income   good health and had many years left
                 offer, with IGEM making up the balance to   and assets, it was clear that Janet didn’t   ahead of him. The big problem for him,
                 the final cost. A part payment in advance   need financial help from the fund – in   the nursing staff, and his family was
                 of the building work was made by IGEM   fact, if any assistance were given she   that he twisted about on the armchairs
                 to secure the works. The situation was   would have to pay tax on it. It was clear   provided by the home, so much so that
                 improved and Walter’s health and that of   that what Janet really needed was   he often fell out of the chairs onto the
                 his family improved as a result.  detailed, expert financial assistance.   floor. As he was a rather large man,
                   Three years later, it was found that   Consequently, her local Citizen’s Advice   retrieving him was far from easy and
                 decorative timber work on the outside of   Bureau was contacted. They agreed to   he had bruised himself badly on more
                 the house had rotted in places, so IGEM   see her and, after a few sessions, sorted   than one occasion. Barry’s doctor had
                 paid for corrective work to that too.  her problems out. The Benevolent   recommended a special HydroTilt water
                   The assistance Walter received   Fund always tries to give a positive   chair, which would enable him to remain
                 has been followed by a substantial   response, even if sometimes it is an   comfortable and prevent him from
                 improvement in his health and he has   unconventional one.        falling out. However, neither the home
                 become more financially secure. He                                nor the family could afford to buy one.
                 said: “I really believe none of this would  Ronnie                Taking family finances into account, it
                 have happened without the timely            Ronnie had suffered   was decided the fund would purchase
                 support I received from the IGEM            with depression for a   the chair for Barry. His family and the
                 Benevolent Fund during an extremely         long time and this had a   nursing home were very grateful.
                 difficult period in my life.”               massive effect on his life.   Barry died three years later.
                                                             Sadly, it resulted in the   Fortunately, another resident matched
                 Dennis                                      break-up of his marriage.   the requirements for the chair, so it was
                            Dennis suffered from   He went to live with his father, who   donated to the nursing home.
                            multiple sclerosis and   later died. Three years later, Ronnie was
                            hypertension, resulting   found collapsed at home in a very poor    If you know someone who may need
                            in severe muscle      physical condition and was admitted   assistance from time to time, encourage
                            weakness and mobility   to hospital. His condition improved, so   them to approach the Institution.
                            problems. His wife    the hospital wanted to discharge him.   Membership of the fund is open to all
                 was also disabled. His consultant had   However, he was not fit to return home   grades of membership and no contribution
                 suggested that his condition could   and was transferred to a basic residential   or donation is required. However,
                 be relieved by functional electronic   home where nearly all the residents   members, and any others wishing to do so,
                 stimulation (FES) treatment, but it   were geriatric. His family were unable to   can make voluntary donations or bequests.
                 was not available from the NHS. The   provide any help with accommodation.   To find out more about the Benevolent
                 Benevolent Fund paid for the treatment   Arrangements were made to sell the   Fund email Lesley Ecob on lesley@igem.
                 and assisted Dennis by providing some   house and use the proceeds to buy a or call 01509 678167.
                 ancillary equipment to improve the   smaller, more manageable dwelling,   *Names have been changed.
                 quality of his life. Dennis’ health and   but the new property could not be   Photos posed by models.


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