Page 38 - October 2019
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                 Final design                     FIGURE 10 PRESSURE CONTAINMENT MODULE
                 After reviewing the concepts and
                 analysing the needs of the client,
                 Concept 3 (Figure 6) was selected to
                 be taken to prototype stage for further


                                                    Figure 9 demonstrates its ‘clam shell’        Demonstrable excavation time/cost
                                                  design, utilising pins. This means it can   reduction
                                                  attach/detach quickly from the PE ball        Excavation size reduction of around
                                                  valve. This created strong field engineer   75-80 per cent
                                                  buy-in, due to its simplicity and lack of        Smarter excavation design and
                                                  detailing required on-site.       site utilisation (excavating into the
                                                    The drill was developed simply    prospective site only – see Figure 11).
                 Figure 7 illustrates the final design   to ensure a full intermediate system
                 solution – the PEmDrill:         with no works required from the    Cost/excavation saving
                       Pneumatically/hand driven   GDN operatives.                 The existing slit trench is used to
                       Simple wheel and foldable handle to   It contains:          extend the network. This demonstrates
                  ensure a fast feed time to prepare for        Gasket seals       the efficient use of the excavation to
                  cutter engagement                     Energised lip seals.       make it a functional space, not just a
                       Uses incremental feed winding wheel.                        required sacrificial space. Excavation
                                                  Tangible outputs                 is reduced by approximately 75-80
                 FIGURE 8 SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE DESIGN  The PEmDrill offers the following   per cent, leading to cost reductions of
                                                  benefits to the industry:        approximately £2,300 per job on-site.
                                                        Reduced environmental impact
                                                   (logistically, weight saving)   Conclusion
                                                        Smarter material choices (aluminium   This project has really stretched my
                                                   6000 series)                    technical capabilities within the gas sector.
                                                        Packaging can be lifted by a    It has been intriguing to learn more about
                                                   single operative                new product development and the future
                                                        Lighter in operatives’ vehicles    needs of the utilities industry. I look
                                                   (saves wear and tear on the vehicle,   forward to taking this product to market
                                                   lowers fuel costs)              and undertaking the next design venture.

                                                  FIGURE 11 SIZE IN EXCAVATION REQUIREMENTS
                   The PEmDrill also features a simple   RED AREA = NOT REQUIRED TO EXCAVATE
                 one-way assembly system. This means   GREEN AREA = REQUIRED EXCAVATION
                 the drill can be fully assembled within
                 10 minutes without calibration or
                 detailed works.

                 ONTO PE NETWORK


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