Page 37 - October 2019
P. 37

igem news – yppc

                       Pneumatically driven as well as hand   too. Without a happy workforce and   Feedback:
                  driven, if required             without operative and community        Looks bulky
                       Ensure that the coupon drilled is   buy-in, on site jobs would not be as        Looks like it requires a lot of work to set up
                  captured and that swarf created by the   productive as they could be. Failure to        Functionally it might struggle.
                  drilling is retained and not dropped   meet these needs also risks operative
                  into the host pipe              injury and logistical issues, such as   Concept 2
                       Modular (There are four sizes of PE   longer lead times, higher costs and   This looked at adding a drill to the end
                  ball valve: 90, 125, 180 and 250mm.   environmental impacts.     of the PE network assembly, creating a
                  A modular design allows for easier                               pressure-sealed unit to allow a live drill.
                  transportation and thus reduces   Material choices               Feedback:
                  emissions).                     Aluminium alloys were selected, as        Not functional at all for field
                   With the details from SGN and our   opposed to generic mild steel tooling,   operatives (studs will get in the way)
                 first meeting adjourned, I set off to   due to their superior ergonomic and        Lots of wheels to turn in order to operate
                 conceptualise the potential design   functional properties.             Some users may try to complete
                 solution.                                                          operation against guided instructions
                                                  Assembly storyboarding            due to its complexity
                 Development process              The simpler and more effective the        This could result in a potentially
                 Following the concept phase, the next   design is, the more operative buy-in we   dangerous situation.
                 aspect to consider was whether we   achieve, thus enhancing productivity,
                 could modify the design to go above   user experience and health and safety   Concept 3
                 and beyond the client’s expectations.   benefits, etc.            This looked at adding a drill to the end
                 From a technical standpoint, this                                 of the PE network assembly, creating a
                 meant: can we move into intermediate   Concept evaluation         pressure-sealed unit to allow a live drill.
                 pressures (up to 7bar)?          The following is an overview of the   Feedback:
                   This would dramatically broaden the   concepts and the feedback we received.       Looks lighter
                 usage rate of the drill and help SGN in                                 Looks easier to use
                 terms of its environmental goals, as   Concept 1                        Reminded them of other industry kit
                 components stock for the network’s   This looked at adding a drill to the end   – familiarity made them comfortable
                 vans would be reduced further.   of the PE network assembly, creating a   with operation
                   This would be enhanced and indeed   pressure-sealed unit to allow a live drill.       Simple one-way, slide-on design.
                 upgraded through a partnership
                 I developed with a leading seal   FIGURE 4 CONCEPT 1              FIGURE 5 CONCEPT 2
                 manufacturer. Using Zircon-based
                 energised seals allowed for enhanced
                 dynamic movements under a
                 regulated pressure environment.
                 This would provide safe passage
                 for operatives working under
                 intermediate pressure conditions.
                   The next aspect of the development
                 process was to understand how the
                 operative would interact with the tool
                 from an ergonomic perspective. This
                 is more important than people realise.
                 The more understanding the operative
                 has of the tool and its capabilities, the   FIGURE 6 CONCEPT 3
                 less likely damage, abuse and overall
                 disruption for both the operative and
                 the GDN alike becomes.
                   Enhancement of the proposed tool
                 interaction was generated through:
                       Working with field engineers and GDN
                       Material choices
                       Assembly storyboarding.

                 Field engineers/GDN operatives
                 These are essentially the consumers
                 of the product, so, as with any
                 commercial product we manufacture,
                 the device needed to meet their
                 requirements, plus those of any
                 interactive system (ergonomic and
                 aesthetic) in order to be successful.
                   I felt this was crucial as customer
                 satisfaction drives the other variables,


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