Page 41 - October 2019
P. 41

igem news

                   CPD SAMPLING

                 HOW DO YOU CPD?                                                   as first aid, ACS or health and safety

                                                                                   training. The level of training could be
                                                                                   a simple awareness course or could
                                                                                   lead to a formal qualification, such as a
                                                                                   diploma or degree. In 2016 and 2017,
                                                                                   most of the activities completed were
                 IGEM Professional Development Officer Ross McCart takes us        categorised as formal training.
                 through the results of this year’s CPD sampling exercise            Informal training includes on the job
                                                                                   learning, informal training, training and/
                                                                                   or mentoring others and development
                                                                                   activities to support your current or
                                                                                   future work role. Informal training also
                                                                                   includes voluntary activities. These sort
                                                                                   of activities tend to be things that you
                                                                                   will do naturally and not think of as CPD.
                                                                                   Most of the activities submitted in 2018
                                                                                   fell under this category.
                                                                                     Reading and research is something
                                                                                   else you probably do on a daily
                                                                                   basis, but don’t considered to be
                                                                                   CPD. Reading can be anything from
                                                                                   an article in a magazine, such as Gi,
                                                                                   to reviewing technical documents.
                                                                                   Research could also be something as
                                                                                   simple as looking something up online,
                                                                                   or more comprehensive research done
                                                                                   as part of a large project.
                                                                                     The final category is meetings and
                                                                                   presentations. You could chair a
                                                                                   technical committee or just take part in
                                                                                   a team briefing; you could be delivering
                                                                                   a presentation on new technology or
                                                                                   an induction for new starters. These all
                 IGEM HAS NOW completed its first   gas industry and some roles have   count towards your CPD.
                 mandatory Continuing Professional   opportunities for certain activities that   The easiest way to identify an activity
                 Development (CPD) sample. The    others do not. These categories are   as CPD is to ask yourself, what were
                 sample was our most successful to   just to help you think about CPD in a   the benefits to me? How can I apply
                 date, with only six members who did   different way and to help you identify   this to my job? If you were able to take
                 not respond to the request for CPD   activities you may not have previously   something away from the activity and
                 records. Additional efforts will be made   considered as CPD.     use it to make you better at your job,
                 to contact these members and provide   Formal training includes training   then it’s probably worth recording.
                 the necessary support with their CPD   that is delivered by another   Once you’ve got the hang of identifying
                 activities. They will then be given the   professional or expert. This would   useful CPD activities, the next trick will
                 opportunity to submit their records for   normally be at least half a day but   be to get into the habit of recording them.
                 review next year.                may cover several days. This could be   You will probably find that you could
                   All submissions received have now   refresher/recertification training, such   record something every day. This would
                 been reviewed and feedback has been                               obviously be too much, so you may want
                 provided. The feedback is aimed at   types of activites completed  to be a bit more selective – only recording
                 helping members with their future                                 activities that really stand out as useful.
                 development. When reviewing the   100                             Try to get into the habit of recording
                 returns, IGEM noticed that that the   90          Formal training  something on a regular basis, maybe
                 types of activities being undertaken              informal training  at the end of the week or the end of the
                 generally fall into one of four categories.   80  reading/research  month. By recording something just
                 Those categories are formal training,   70        meeting/presentations  once a month, you will find that you
                 informal training, reading/research and   60                      quickly built up a comprehensive CPD
                 meetings/presentations.           50                              record. This record can then be used
                   You don’t need to worry about   40                              to help you work out how you want to
                 the categories of the activities you   30                         develop yourself further.
                 are doing. It doesn’t matter if all the   20
                 activities you record fall into one   10                            For more information about CPD
                 category or another. IGEM members   0                             and IGEM’s sampling process, visit
                 work in various roles within the       2016      2017     2018


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