Page 36 - October 2019
P. 36

igem news – yppc

                 HORIZONTAL DRILLING

                 THROUGH A PE BALL VALVE


                 By Scott Rendall, Lead Design Engineer of Project PEmDrill at ALH   FIGURE 3 MOVING TO A NEW CONNECTION METHOD
                 Systems (in partnership with SGN) and YPPC second runner-up

                 THE CURRENT METHODS for installing  The challenge: how to reduce this footprint
                 a take-off to a feed, for example to a new   Analysing the existing methodologies
                 build site, is to apply a flow-stopping   gives us an insight into the challenge
                 method to the parent main and cut out a   faced by networks. They both require a                CURRENT METHOD
                 section of the PE, or to use a squeeze-off   lot of components to produce a simple
                 technique. These are time-consuming   output (i.e., a branch-off/tie-in within
                 exercises and can lead to disruption to   the network) and they require a lot of
                 the local community.             excavation, which carries time and
                                                  cost implications, including those
                 FIGURE 1 TYPICAL SITEWORKS       relating to backfilling.                                CUT OUT SECTION
                                                  SGN’s first thoughts on the proposed solution  NEW METHOD
                                                  Conceptualisation drawings led to
                                                  the following option, whereby a new
                                                  method would incorporate drilling
                                                  equipment, thereby negating the need
                                                  for flow-stopping. Reducing the length
                                                  of the excavation would require the use
                                                  of existing approved fittings, including
                                                  the PE ball valve, thus minimising
                                                  implementation time and costs.
                                                    To enable SGN to realise the
                                                  proposed solution in Figure 3, I was
                                                  tasked with designing a drill to be
                                                  attached to the offtake of the PE pup
                                                  for the purpose of live drilling.
                                                    Once the drilling was complete, the
                                                  operative would be able to remove the   proposed assembly (Figure 3) be added
                                                  drill and extend onto the network.  to the live network.
                   As we can see in Figure 1, at either   SGN requested that, in order to   This would then have a drill attached
                 side of the works section a flow-  reduce the impact of large excavations,   to the end (designed by myself) capable
                 stopping and bypassing method has   reduce the number of components   of a live drilling operation.
                 been applied, creating a total excavation   and increase community buy-in and
                 size of approximately 5m in length.  environmental enhancements, the new   Project scope
                                                                                   Following initial discussions, I
                 FIGURE 2 LAYOUT USING SQUEEZE-OFF TECHNIQUE                       requested an overall scope of the
                                                                                   project to pick up any technical aspects
                                                                                   I felt could potentially be enhanced or
                                                                                   in some way optimised. The following
                                                                                   specification came from SGN and
                                                                                   allowed me to explore any potential
                                                                                   optimisations from there:
                                                                                         Live drilling
                                                                                         Medium pressure host main (up to
                                                                                    2bar pressure)
                                                                                         Full bore drilling (maximising the hole
                                                                                    cut into the network)
                                                                                         Consistent and concentric drilling


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