Page 34 - October 2019
P. 34

igem news

                   INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATES

                 COMMUNITY PROJECTS

                 THROUGHOUT NORTH OF                                               THE FUND PREVIOUSLY HELPED

                                                                                   COMMUNITY RADIO STATION CVFM
                 ENGLAND TO BENEFIT                                                engineering and maths) subjects and

                                                                                   associated career opportunities, or
                                                                                   groups that promote the free Priority
                 FROM £100,000 FUND                                                Services Register to support vulnerable
                                                                                   energy customers, will also be
                                                                                   considered for the grants and training
                                                                                   on offer through the scheme.
                                                                                     The second phase of the programme,
                                                                  THE AWARD-WINNING COMMUNITY   scheduled for early next year, will
                                                             PARTNERING FUND IS OPEN FOR ENTRIES NOW
                                                                                   award an additional £50,000 to
                                                                                   worthwhile projects.
                                                                                     Previous ventures helped under the
                                                                                   scheme include Community Voice FM
                                                                                   (CVFM Radio), which used its grant
                                                                                   to reach up to 8,000 local people. The
                                                                                   station conducted computer classes for
                                                                                   ethnic minority groups, which included
                                                                                   the opportunity to learn about energy
                                                                                   consumption and participate in a live
                                                                                   radio show to encourage listeners to
                                                                                   compare their energy prices online.
                                                                                     To further engage the community,
                                                                                   a work club was also set up that
                                                                                   supported residents to find
                                                                                   employment. After shadowing radio
                                                                                   presenters and conducting research
                                                                                   on carbon monoxide poisoning, those
                                                                                   attending the group created a jingle to
                                                                                   educate local people about the dangers
                                                                                   of CO and how they can be easily
                                                                                   identified and avoided.
                                                                                     Tom Bell, Head of Social Strategy
                                                                                   at Northern Gas Networks, said: “The
                                                                                   Community Partnering Fund is open
                                                                                   and ready to support many of the
                 LOCAL COMMUNITY GROUPS that        This year’s total fund will be the   incredible projects taking place in
                 demonstrate an innovative approach to   biggest yet, as Northern Gas Networks   our communities. This is a fantastic
                 sustainability are being invited to come   has also pledged to give a further   opportunity to boost the great work
                 forward with the potential to receive a   £2,000 to one deserving initiative.   being delivered by inspiring individuals
                 share of a grant distribution worth more   This follows a fundraising drive that   and teams. As a business based in
                 than £100,000.                   recognised and rewarded customer   the heart of communities, we are
                   Northern Gas Networks (NGN),   participation in a survey to help shape   committed to giving back to the areas
                 Northern Powergrid and Leeds     NGN’s future business plans, carried   that we work in and that our team call
                 Community Foundation have opened   out earlier this year.         home, and we wish everyone entering
                 the annual, award-winning Community   Pioneering and sustainable   this year the very best of luck.”
                 Partnering Fund for entries, with a bigger   programmes throughout the North of
                 fund pot available than ever before.  England, including projects that assist    Applications for the annual
                   The first phase will award grants of   with fuel poverty-related hardship,   Community Partnering Fund
                 between £1,000 and £10,000 from a   those that promote knowledge of energy   programme will be accepted until 15
                 £50,000 fund pot, which will be distributed   efficiency and initiatives that inform   October 2019. For more information,
                 to grassroots projects and third-sector   the public about home safety, are   search for #CommunityPartneringFund
                 organisations, enabling the three fund   eligible to apply for the funding.   on social media or visit www.leedscf.
                 partners to broaden their support for local   Likewise, projects that encourage an to
                 communities in the process.      interest in STEM (science, technology,   apply for a grant.


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