Page 30 - October 2019
P. 30

when the lights go out

                 with other European countries have/are
                 introducing capacity payments that pay
                 conventional generation an availability
                 fee to act as a reserve in times of supply
                 shortage (i.e., for their insurance value).
                 The argument of regulators and system
                 operators is that they feel the market
                 should by itself deliver this value to
                 storage, but ultimately it would appear
                 that they see the diversification of
                 supply options brought about by the
                 growth of LNG import facilities and new
                 pipelines as providing the required
                 security of supply. The issue with this
                 reliance is that energy can become very
                 politicised and the operation of these
                 pipelines and LNG supply can become
                 points of leverage.
                   Another interesting contrast
                 between power interruption events
                 and gas interruption is the impact
                 on market prices. For the gas event,                                  THE PACE OF DECARBONISATION IS AT RISK OF RUNNING AHEAD
                 gas prices increased to a multiple of                                   OF SYSTEM OPERATORS’ ABILITY TO MANAGE THE CHANGE
                 the normal market price reaching £2/
                 therm versus a normal market price   look to decarbonise. The pace of   the fuel mix whilst also maintaining
                 of a quarter of this. In the 2019 event,   this decarbonisation is at risk of   an on-demand reserve to balance
                 the GB electricity market price stayed   running ahead of system operators’   renewable generation. This transition
                 within its normal limits. This indicates   ability to manage the change, given   is largely complete in GB. As this grows
                 that gas interruption events occur   that infrastructure has a lot of   across Europe, the risk of interrelated
                 largely as a result of sustained periods   legacy systems and procedures. The   events on the gas network leading
                 of supply/demand imbalance, while   mechanism to revise these requires   to power outages grows. In extreme
                 the ‘capacity payments’ and margin   wide consultation, regulatory oversight,   weather events, where very cold
                 and reserves held by system operators   negotiation on network operators’   weather occurs with low wind, then
                 for electricity generation result in   incentives and license conditions.   we will see high gas use as demand
                 transient interruptions that do not   One of the contributory factors to the   for heating and electricity generation
                 impact market price (and hence drive   GB disruption is how the network is   ramps up to replace lost renewable
                 market behaviour).               configured for frequency disruption.   generation, at the same time putting
                   Overall, the recent interruptions to   There are ongoing discussions and a   supplies under pressure. If, due to
                 supply illustrate that the systems that   process to revise settings in the GB   infrastructure or supply issues, the
                 provide our utilities are not 100 per   network to give it more resilience   network cannot respond, a trade-off
                 cent guaranteed and there is a trade-off                          between interrupting heating supplies
                 between security of supply and cost to                            or supplies to generation will have to
                 the consumer. System operators will   Another interesting contrast   be made, ensuring vulnerable people
                 point out that critical infrastructure has   between power interruption   and critical services are not impacted.
                 a responsibility to maintain equipment   events and gas interruption is   In the past, with more diversity in fuel
                 and procedures that mitigate utility                              supplies, this issue has not arisen.
                 interruptions and that overall they are   the impact on market prices.   There is a very significant challenge
                 rare. The balance to that argument is   For the gas event, gas prices   ahead in adapting how our systems
                 that, in hindsight, the cause of these   increased to a multiple of the   operate to ensure security of supply in a
                 interruptions could have been avoided                             changing energy landscape. In addition
                 and often actions are taken following   normal market price reaching   to this, it has to be done against a
                 these events to prevent them from   £2/therm versus a normal      backdrop of local and global political
                 happening again. The debate on what   market price of a quarter of   considerations. Public discussion
                 consumers are prepared to pay for   this. In the 2019 event, the GB   and debate only really surfaces after
                 security of supply is rarely made. When                           interruptions intrude on people’s lives.
                 the costs to prevent the disruption are   electricity market price stayed   Stakeholders and the industry have to
                 estimated following the occurrence of   within its normal limits  ensure that, following the headlines,
                 events, most consumers would probably                             lessons are learnt, the market
                 agree to pay this money to avoid the                              incentivises correct behaviour and
                 problems they have just endured.  in frequency events and to enable   change is achieved.
                   Looking forward, the recent    decentralised generation to contribute
                 events highlight that the challenges   more, but this change is taking time.   EnAppSys provides energy data and
                 to maintain security of supply are   As part of decarbonisation, Europe   insight systems to the market and advises
                 increasing. Approaches and past   is seeing a displacement from coal   developers and their funders on new build
                 reliances may not work in the future   generation to gas-fired generation   and the purchase of power assets. For
                 as our fuel mix changes and as we   to reduce the carbon intensity of   more information visit


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