Page 26 - October 2019
P. 26

making hydrogen happen

                 Carbon capture utilisation and storage  periods of time. It can be transformed to   towards energy security. Building on the
                 The report from the CCC suggests   ammonia and transported. Pressurised   HyDeploy programme, it will develop
                 160MTe pa of CO₂ must be captured   hydrogen can be stored in several ways   a full deployment plan for hydrogen
                 and stored to meet net zero carbon   and efficient hydrogen storage is an active   blending on the gas network.
                 in 2050. Industry has developed   research area. For use in the gas network,   A waste plastic-to-hydrogen facility
                 regional concept studies, primarily   hydrogen can be stored as pressurised   is proposed at Peel Environmental’s
                 in the North West, North East and   gas ready for use in pipes, or at larger   Protos site in Cheshire. Using pioneering
                 Scotland to develop multi MTpa CCS   scale in salt caverns. The HySecure   PowerHouse Energy technology
                 projects. Government, through BEIS,   project is looking at how hydrogen could   developed at Thornton Science Park
                 is developing the industrial cluster   be stored in salt caverns in Cheshire.  next door, Peel Environmental, part of
                 concept; one or more of these clusters                            Peel L&Ps, has plans for a further ten
                 may receive matched funding to   Hydrogen in the North West       facilities across the UK.
                 develop their project to mid-2020s   The North West has all the elements   While much remains to be done in
                 completion. The HyNet Phase 1 CCS   to be the UK’s first hydrogen economy,   this transition to net zero, hydrogen
                 project in the North West is amongst   with energy intensive industry, a skilled   can play a critical role in large scale
                 the lowest cost scale CCS projects with   workforce, engaged academia, and   decarbonisation. Realising this huge
                 a flexible and scalable approach to   collaborating city regions. It is close to   opportunity will require government
                 capture and store up to 20Mt of CO₂ pa,   salt caverns for storage, the nearby East   assistance in the development of early
                 initially from two existing industrial   Irish assets for CCS and, critically, is well   stage projects; demand side initiatives
                 facilities. The methane reformation   placed for the development of connecting   to encourage societal acceptance; and
                 project in Phase 2 of the project would   infrastructure and the supply chain.  industrial transformation incentives,
                 then utilise this CCS infrastructure   The region has committed to   amongst other things. The North West
                 as well as further CCS connectivity to   becoming the UK’s first low carbon   is well placed to lead the UK charge to
                 regional industry.               industrial cluster by 2030, rising to   decarbonise energy and in doing so
                   Clearly, we should be seeking to   the government’s Industrial Clusters   offer a replicable and exportable set of
                 minimise the quantity of CO₂ being   Mission challenge. HyNet is a central   skills and technologies to help meet the
                 stored underground with a primary   component of the North West’s bid,   challenge of net zero carbon by 2050.
                 focus on carbon utilisation. Applications   which along with other projects, could
                 for fuel transformation, building   deliver 33,000 jobs, over £4 billion    The North West of England is poised
                 materials and many other uses are being   investment and save 10 million tonnes   to be the UK’s primary region for the
                 actively researched, with photosynthesis   of carbon per year.    development of a hydrogen-based
                 one of the most easily deliverable.   Project Centurion has received   economy. The region’s reputation as the
                                                  government funding to advance a   industrial North – including the necessary
                 Hydrogen storage                 possible 100MW power-to-gas energy   industries, academia, innovation, skills
                 Peak demand for heat in winter is   storage project at Inovyn’s Runcorn site,   and natural assets – means it is in pole
                 about five times more than in summer   which already produces hydrogen as a   position to grasp the opportunity of
                 and natural gas storage manages and   co-product of the chlor-alkali process.   hydrogen use. For more information, visit
                 modulates daily and seasonal imbalances.   Project partners ITM Power, Inoyvn,
                 Work is underway in the North West to   Storengy, Cadent and Element Energy
                 plan how hydrogen storage will integrate   are exploring how energy storage
                 into the hydrogen supply chain.   can produce low carbon hydrogen   References
                   Hydrogen can be stored as a gas or as   for heat, decarbonisation of industry,   1.
                 a liquid, in large amounts and for long   and transport fuels and contribute   technical-report


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