Page 22 - October 2019
P. 22

setting the priorities

                                                                                       Deliver on the recommendations
                                                                                   4  of the National Infrastructure
                                                                                   Assessment or set out alternative
                                                                                   plans to meet the UK’s long-term
                                                                                   infrastructure needs.

                                                                                   Maintain, as a minimum, the current
                                                                                   level of funding for economic
                                                                                   infrastructure and ring-fence funding
                                                                                   packages for rail and roads.
                                                                                   Why? A sustained investment in
                                                                                   infrastructure of 0.5 per cent of GDP is
                                                                                   estimated to lead to long-term growth
                                                                                   of 0.5 per cent to 2.0 per cent of GDP in
                                                                                   large advanced economies.

                                                                                   Demand all public bodies publish
                                                                                   forecast costs and benefits of their
                                                                                   major infrastructure projects at each
                                                                                   appraisal stage and at a suitable point
                                                                                   after completion.
                                                                                   Why? Highways England routinely
                                                                                   publishes project evaluations of major
                                                                                   investments, leading to more accurate
                                                                             3     estimates of future projects, reducing
                                                                                   the average error in forecast costs by 20
                                                                                   per cent between 2000 and 2009.
                     Digital                      and there is potential to develop a   Include airport capacity in future
                     Deliver fast and resilient digital   strong and vibrant market.   National Infrastructure Assessments
                 3  infrastructure, a thriving business   Why? Organisations in many sectors   and devolve powers and funding to
                 environment, excellent digital skills   are unclear about the benefits of digital   cities to pursue ambitious, integrated
                 and a diverse pipeline of workers to   technologies for their businesses and   strategies for transport, employment
                 create a world-leading digital economy.   how to adopt them. Digital sectors   and housing and to create thriving
                                                  are estimated to create jobs two times   areas and communities.
                 Drive the establishment of world-class   faster than the rest of the economy.  Why? To promote growth that is felt in all
                 digital connectivity and infrastructure                           parts of the country, these strategies must
                 that is fast, secure and resilient across   Make computing courses appealing    be delivered by local areas and integrated
                 both urban and rural areas of the   to a wider range of young people    across air, road and rail to ensure
                 UK, through investments such as the   in school to attract a more diverse   efficient investment. However, airport
                 National Productivity Investment Fund.   cohort of workers.       capacity needs to be included in the
                 Why? Connectivity is an essential   Why? Women only make up 15 per    National Infrastructure Commission’s
                 prerequisite for an advanced     cent of the technology workforce.  remit for this to be achieved.
                 digital economy and ensuring UK
                 competitiveness, since the fast,
                 resilient and secure transfer of data is   4
                 required for many data-driven systems.
                 Conversely, broadband outages are
                 estimated to cost business over £12
                 billion per year.

                 Ensure that funding for new digital
                 technologies and processes includes
                 requirements to address cybersecurity
                 to enable safety, resilience and trust in
                 their adoption.
                 Why? Twenty-eight per cent of
                 manufacturers across 13 countries
                 reported revenue losses due to
                 cyberattacks in 2017.

                 Provide targeted support for the
                 development, commercialisation and
                 adoption of digital technologies where
                 the value can be clearly demonstrated


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