Page 18 - October 2019
P. 18
tackling a public enemy
What to do if you’re exposed to asbestos duty to manage the risk from asbestos, All workers who may disturb
If you are concerned about being or a duty to co-operate with whoever asbestos during their normal
exposed to asbestos, you should manages that risk.
report the asbestos exposure to your Responsibilities outlined under the work should receive training so
employer, including information on Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 they can recognise ACMs and
the date of exposure, duration and type include: know what to do if they come
of asbestos (if known). If you are self- Preventing or reducing exposure to across them. Training should
employed, take note of these details for the fibre
future reference. Presuming that all materials contain be tailored to be appropriate
Seek medical attention from your asbestos, unless there is evidence to for the work and the roles
GP as soon as possible and report any the contrary undertaken by individuals
symptoms. You should ask them to Keeping an up-to-date, clear written
make a record of the potential asbestos record of the location and condition of
exposure. Symptoms of asbestos any ACMs databases of known employers, sites
exposure include: Assessing the risk of anyone being and locations where asbestos was used,
Shortness of breath exposed to fibres from these materials. or using a team of forensic investigators
Persistent coughing All workers who may disturb asbestos who are skilled in tracking down
Chest pain during their normal work should receive employers and insurers.
Difficulty swallowing training so they can recognise ACMs Understanding the dangers of
Swelling of the neck or face and know what to do if they come across asbestos is important. As long as you
Weight and appetite loss them. Training should be tailored to be are aware of the risks posed by it and
Fatigue and/or anaemia. appropriate for the work and the roles what to do if you suspect its presence,
Your GP may refer you to a specialist. undertaken by individuals. you can avoid the risks of exposure.
If you have a trade union, contact it
for further advice. Seeking justice for exposure to asbestos JMW is a full-service law firm providing
Due to the long latency period of legal services and advice for both
The responsibilities of employers and illnesses related to asbestos, it can businesses and individuals. For more
landowners be difficult to find the liable employer information visit
Employers have a legal duty to protect and the company you
their employees and others who may worked for decades ago
be affected by exposure to hazardous may no longer exist.
substances. Those that own, occupy, The legal team you
manage or have responsibilities for employ to help you make
non-domestic premises that may a claim for exposure
contain asbestos, or those that are will be able to track
responsible for communal parts of down the liable party
domestic premises – like the hall and through various methods,
lift areas in flats – will have a legal including calling upon
Asbestos.indd 3 19/09/2019 14:14