Page 14 - October 2019
P. 14

demanding safety always

                 injuries and injuries to members of the
                 public were more likely. In 2017/18, we
                 developed Be Winter Safe, a campaign
                 that gets our safety messages across
                 in new and different ways, imitating
                 ways our colleague share information
                 themselves in their personal lives; short
                 gifs, animations and memes sent to
                 phones and by email that are designed to
                 remind our engineers to focus on safety.
                   Where the weather was concerned,
                 it was one of the toughest winters
                 for Wales & West Utilities. At the
                 end of February, 51cm of snow fell in
                 parts of South Wales while Cornwall
                 saw winds of almost 70mph. But our                                            THE TEAM RECEIVES A ROSPA GOLD AWARD
                 campaign was successful. Despite
                 these challenges, we experienced no   business. For utility companies like ours,   colleagues is led from the top. Our
                 lost time injuries or any other safety   it’s a significant challenge because of the   leadership team has piloted mental
                 related issues. The success of our first   demographic profile of our team. ‘Pale   health awareness workshops, playing
                 year has made Be Winter Safe a staple   and male’ is a rather uncharitable term   their part in promoting a wellbeing
                 of our health and safety calendar.   often applied to workforces like ours, but   culture. We have recruited 36
                   Summer was traditionally one of   it has a very real impact where mental   mental health first aiders across our
                 the industry’s quieter times, with a   health is concerned. Seventy-seven per   network and promoted our assistance
                 reduction in work as gas demand fell.   cent of men have suffered from anxiety   programme – both points of contact for
                 Today, however, we take advantage of   or stress, with work being the most   those with mental health issues.
                 the summer period. We work on tens   significant driver of that. And 36 per   As well as new issues, we are working
                 of replacement schemes near schools   cent of men say they don’t talk about   to address more conventional ones.
                 and other challenging locations, taking   their mental health because they “don’t   Our geography is amongst the most
                 advantage of the reduction in traffic   want to be a burden”.     diverse of all networks. Our 35,000km
                 and longer daylight hours to keep   Our own figures show that     of pipe stretch through mountains and
                 disruption to the communities we   occupational health referrals for mental   valleys, across green fields, and from
                 serve to a minimum.              health issues have more than doubled   the rugged Welsh coast to the beautiful
                   With workload now more evenly   in the last few years. Our action has   beaches of Cornwall. The road network
                 spread through the year, and intense   been direct and as targeted as it would   that serves that area is just as varied.
                 activity in the summer to finish projects   be for any other form of risk.  Driving is a fundamental requirement
                 before the end of the school holidays,   We started by changing our approach   of our job, but is a significant business
                 we take additional action to remind   to managing our colleague’s mental   risk. We have over 1,000 operational
                 all colleagues of simple, but often   health. Previously, we approached   vehicles driven by colleagues during all
                 overlooked, things. These include the   it reactively; we managed absence   hours, seasons and weather. As perverse
                 importance of hydration, of finding   and arranged support for those with   as it sounds, it’s now one of the most
                 shade and rest in the heat and the   symptoms or at risk of symptoms.  dangerous things our engineers do.
                 need to ensure members of the public,   Given that good mental and physical   Some people say that it would be very
                 children and our most vulnerable   health are both key, we now manage   difficult for us to reduce the number of
                 customers remain safe.           colleagues’ mental health actively – in   driving incidents, it’s “just one of those
                                                  the same way that we do for physical   things”. But naysayers used to say the
                 New challenges                   health. We know colleagues experience   same about lost time injuries and cable
                 Not only is it important to get   stress at home, but work stress can   strikes, too. As an organisation, we’re
                 traditional health and safety right, it’s   tip the balance. So we changed our   playing our part; we have introduced
                 important to be aware of and prepared   performance management processes,   new driver risk assessments (which
                 for emerging challenges. Some of   making sure they’re positive and   give us more visibility of our driver
                 these are driven by the changing   achievable, with support in place   risk) and, from this year, we will only
                 demographics of our team and wider   where intervention is necessary. And   be buying operational vehicles with
                 societal issues, while others have   our promotion of a wellbeing culture   automatic emergency braking. Together,
                 surfaced as more significant issues now   recognises the various things that can   these will help us support our drivers.
                 that we have dramatically reduced site-  impact mental health.    Aligned with personal commitment
                 based physical injuries.           Fatigue is also something that affects   from our colleagues, this puts us in a
                   For us, the primary challenge is to   the mental health of our colleagues,   good position to keep them safe.
                 address the wellbeing of our colleagues   and is something that we are working   While driving and mental health
                 and manage their physical and mental   hard to address. Running an emergency   provide us with challenges, we’re
                 health in a holistic way.        service means we have to be ready   confident that by approaching them in
                   Mental health is of course a wider   to respond around the clock, but we   the same way that has seen us become
                 societal concern. We recognise our   manage it like any other hazard or risk –   the preeminent network for safety, we will
                 obligations to our people and we manage   with management intervention allied to   be able to address them. Our hardworking
                 this in the same way we manage other   personal responsibility.   engineers and the communities we serve
                 physical health issues across our   Our focus on the wellbeing of our   deserve nothing less.


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