Page 10 - October 2019
P. 10

management & education news


                 HAS ‘MADE WORK LIFE BETTER’

                 THE VAST MAJORITY of workers in the
                 UK believe technology and automation
                 are changing their working lives for the
                 better, according to a survey.
                   In a poll of 14,500 UK workers,
                 conducted by Hays UK, 86 per cent said
                 they embraced the implementation of
                 automation in their workplace, while
                 73 per cent reported having an open
                 mindset towards digital transformation.
                   The data also revealed that workers
                 were less fearful of automation in
                 organisations where the technology
                 was already present, according to
                 People Management.
                   Of the respondents working for
                 organisations that had invested in                                   WORKERS REPORT THAT TECHNOLOGY HAS IMPROVED THEIR LIVES
                 automation, 92 per cent said they
                 would embrace it and only eight per   Edward Houghton, Head of Research   gives more opportunity to add human
                 cent would fear it. This compared to   and Thought Leadership at the   value and enables the organisation to
                 81 and 19 per cent respectively for   CIPD, welcomed a more positive and   make the most of the human elements of
                 workers in organisations that had made   optimistic take on technology in the   work, such as building relationships that
                 no investments in automation.    workplace, and said he was interested   are very hard to automate.
                   The results formed part of Hays’   to see respondents mirroring attitudes   “Where employees are given less
                 What Workers Want 2019 report, which   prevalent among HR professionals.  mundane tasks, the job becomes more
                 surveyed attitudes towards technology.   Houghton said: “Automation definitely   complex, interesting and exciting.”


                                                  3.7 million people in insecure work,   and in sham self-employment.
                                                  and 1.85 million self-employed people   “We urgently need to reset the
                                                  earning less than the minimum wage.   balance of power in our economy
                                                  Despite the recent pick-up in earnings, it   and give people more of a say about
                                                  said workers were still facing the longest   what happens to them at work. We
                                                  pay squeeze for 200 years.       know that collective bargaining is the
                                                    The report added that the share of   best way to raise wages and improve
                                                  economic output going to wages had   conditions – so let’s expand it across
                                                  declined from an average of 57 per cent   the whole workforce.”
                                                  in the three decades after the Second   O’Grady added that a hard Brexit
                                                  World War to 49 per cent in 2018.  would hit poor people first and hardest.
                                        FRANCES O’GRADY  During the same period, the TUC   “Michael Gove is talking about
                                                  said anti-trade union laws and   bumps along the road, but they will be
                  BRITAIN RISKS TURNING the clock   industrial change had resulted in union   earthquakes for those drowning in debt
                  back to the working conditions of   membership and collective bargaining   who haven’t got a magic money tree at
                  the Victorian age unless unions   coverage falling – from 54 per cent and   the bottom of the garden,” she said.
                  have greater powers to organise and   over 70 per cent in 1979 to just 23 per   O’Grady said that many of those who
                  negotiate, the head of the TUC has said.  cent and 26 per cent respectively in 2018.  voted leave in the referendum did so
                    Frances O’Grady, the TUC’s General   O’Grady told The Guardian: “We’re   because of frustration about low wages,
                  Secretary, said that without a shift in   at risk of going back to 19th-century   insecurity and zero-hour contracts and
                  the balance of power from employers   working conditions. Millions of   “uber-globalisation”, which had seen
                  to unions, the UK would face rising   workers have no control and no voice   “a shift in power and wealth to a tiny
                  inequality and insecurity at work.  at work, with increasing numbers   minority at the top while everybody else
                    In a report, the TUC said there were   stuck on low pay, zero-hours contracts,   had to do with the crumbs.”


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