Page 6 - October 2019
P. 6
industry & Government news
in combination with carbon capture,
usage and storage (CCUS), can be
compatible with Britain’s net zero
MAY BE SMALLER THAN target, according to the government,
which has set out its position on
shale gas exploration.
The move comes as Cuadrilla
PREVIOUSLY ESTIMATED starts fracking operations on its
second well at the Preston New
Road site in Lancashire, reports
Energy Live News.
The company is currently seeking
an extension of 18 months to drill
for shale gas at the site. It had
drilled two wells and fracked one,
but was unable to complete the
process after minor tremors meant
it had to halt operations.
The Department for Business,
Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
believes shale gas could be an
important new domestic energy
source, helping reduce the level
of gas imports “while delivering
broad economic benefits, including
through the creation of well-paid,
quality jobs”.
A spokesperson said: “[Shale gas]
CUADRILLA HAS RUBBISHED THE REPORT could also support our transition to
net zero emissions by 2050.
PREVIOUS PROJECTIONS of the less shale gas resource present “We have world-leading
potential amount of shale gas under than previously thought,” said Prof regulations that ensure shale gas
the UK may have been significantly Mike Stephenson, Chief Scientist exploration happens in a safe
overestimated, according to a new study. for Decarbonisation and Resource and environmentally responsible
Instead of 50 years of gas at the current Management at the BGS. way. The Oil and Gas Authority is
rate of consumption, this new research “However the study considered only currently undertaking a scientific
suggests there are just five to seven a very small number of rock samples assessment of recent industry
years’ supply, according to the BBC. from only two locations.” data which we will consider once
But the UK’s fracking industry, which “BGS has continued to study resource completed.”
represents companies like Cuadrilla, estimation in shales over the past
dismissed the report. 16 years and further studies are still
They said the sample size was too required to further refine estimates of
small to draw serious conclusions. shale gas resources.”
According to the new study, the amount Cuadrilla, the company which has
of gas in place, assuming an economic recently resumed fracking a shale gas
recovery rate of 10 per cent would be a well in Lancashire, was blunt in its
maximum of 20 trillion cubic feet, which rejection of the new paper.
would equate to around seven years’ worth “Those involved in publishing this
of gas at current UK rates of consumption. should be embarrassed,” said Francis
However, some of the leading experts Egan, Cuadrilla Chief Executive.
at the BGS were cautious in their “We hold more data and technical
interpretation of the study, even though experience of the Bowland shale than
several of their own scientists were anyone else in the UK, yet not once did
involved in the paper. anyone from this research group or CLIMATE CAMPAIGNERS CONTINUE
“Early indications published today Nottingham University contact us for TO OPPOSE FRACKING
suggest that it is possible there is our view or input.”
News.indd 1 19/09/2019 15:05