Page 3 - October 2019
P. 3


                   OUR CONTRIBUTORS                            EDITOR’S LETTER

                                                                                  THIS YEAR, the eighth day of October
                              ABIGAIL MORRISON                                    lands on a Tuesday, which just so happens
                              Senior Associate at JMW Solicitors                  to be the deadliest day of the year. A study
                              Abigail has more than 10 years’                     by CE Safety found that some 373 people
                              experience in helping employees                     have died at work on a Tuesday in the UK
                              claim compensation for                              and 84 workplace deaths occurred on the
                   industrial diseases, including asbestos-related                eighth of the month. This means that
                   diseases, vibration white finger, chemical                     people are more likely to die at work on
                   poisoning and chronic lung diseases.                           this day than on any other, including that
                                                                                  most dreaded of days, Friday 13th.
                              PROFESSOR JOE HOWE                But with proper health and safety legislation in place, why are people
                              Executive Director, Thornton    still dying at work at all? In this edition, we’re exploring the topic with
                              Energy Research Institute       the help of Wales & West Utilities, who explain why good a health
                              Professor Howe’s background     and safety culture must go beyond the usual practices to become
                              is in geography and planning,   the cornerstone of a successful business, whatever the industry.
                   environmental science and environmental      Every year, scores of tradespeople die as a direct consequence
                   engineering. His own research in sustainable   of coming in contact with asbestos, many of them gas engineers.
                   energy systems has contributed towards     Abigail Morrison, Senior Associate at JMW Solicitors, lays out the
                   significant advances in approaches to industrial   dangers and what you can do avoid this insidious menace.
                   clean growth in the UK and the opportunities   The National Engineering Policy Centre, which represents nearly
                   afforded by a net zero economy.            half a million UK engineers, has published a manifesto for a
                    Joe has received numerous research        prosperous and secure economy and society, supported by a number
                   and consultancy contracts from industry,   of organisations, including IGEM. This report calls on government to
                   government departments, Research Councils   work with them to invest in skills, innovation, digital and traditional
                   UK and the EU. He has published two books   infrastructure, and clean energy technologies. You can read all about
                   and in excess of 100 peer reviewed articles   these core engineering priorities here.
                   and is currently an investigator on a PFER   The importance of hydrogen in reaching net zero carbon
                   Local Energy Systems project, a BEIS CCUS   emissions can’t be underestimated. In fact, it’s hard to see how
                   innovation project and an industry-sponsored   we’ll reach these ambitious targets without it – some might say
                   hydrogen innovation initiative.            it’s impossible. In the North West, a number of organisations have
                                                              been working together for many years to develop a hydrogen
                              TONY SMITH                      economy that can be replicated across the UK. The North West
                              Commercial Strategy Manager     Hydrogen Alliance (NWHA) is now calling for the government
                              at Peel Environmental           to sit up and pay attention. We have the details in this edition.
                              After attaining his PhD in oil    Back in August, large parts of the UK experienced its biggest
                              biotransformation, Tony joined   power outage in a decade, leaving thousands of people stranded
                   BP in 1981 as a Research Scientist and over the   and up to a million users without power. EnAppSys takes a look
                   years had many gas commercial/technical roles,   at why it happened and why these kinds of events could become
                   developing the UK liberalised gas market, gas sales,   more common in future.
                   quality, transport and allocation agreements.
                   In 2013, he joined Peel Environmental, leading
                   the firm’s activities in unconventional gas.
                   This led him to become a key player in the
                   development of the North West Hydrogen Hub.
                   He is currently working on North West CCS and   SHARON BAKER-HALLAM
                   hydrogen opportunities and is a steering group   EDITOR
                   member for the Decarbonised Gas Alliance.  BA (HONS) AIGEM
                                                              INSTITUTION OF GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS (IGEM)
                              PAUL VERRILL
                              Executive Director of EnAppSys
                              Paul Verrill has worked for
                              energy and engineering          TELL US WHAT YOU THINK
                              companies including Enron,
                   ICI and Rolls Royce. Paul has worked on project   GOT SOMETHING you want to get off your chest? We’re always
                   design and development, plant management,   happy to hear any comments you might have about Gi. If you have an
                   commercial management, project origination   opinion you want to share with us, email or write
                   and acquisition, and heads up the commercial   to Editor Sharon Baker-Hallam at IGEM House, 26 & 28 High Street,
                   side of EnAppSys.                          Kegworth, Derby DE74 2DA. The best letters and emails we receive
                                                              will be featured on this page.


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