Page 8 - October 2019
P. 8

industry & Government news

                 UK ENERGY PRICE FEARS AS                                          complications of severing ties with EU
                                                                                   energy markets.
                                                                                     Gas and electricity bills rose by
                 IMPORTS CLIMB TO RECORD HIGH                                      £2 billion in the year after the 2016
                                                                                   referendum result because of the
                                                                                   plummeting value of the pound,
                                                                                   according to a report from University
                                                                                   College London.
                                                                                     This translated into an average
                                                                                   household’s bill increasing by £35
                                                                                   for electricity and £40 for gas, and
                                                                                   researchers predicted bills would climb
                                                                                   by a further £61 every year in the years
                                                                                   following the referendum.
                                                                                     A report commissioned by National
                                                                                   Grid before the referendum predicted
                                                                                   that energy bills could climb by £500
                                                                                   million every year by the 2020s if the
                                                                                   UK left the EU’s internal energy market.
                                                                                     A spokesperson said the
                                                                                   government had taken steps to make
                                                                                   sure energy trading continued and
                                                                                   that energy laws “work effectively and
                                                                                   provide value for money”.
                                                                                     The Guardian reports that a pan-
                                                          QUESTIONS REMAIN UNANSWERED AHEAD OF BREXIT  European network of energy system
                                                                                   operators has agreed a plan for the UK
                 THE UK’S RELIANCE on energy      that higher import prices could lead to   to remain within the internal market on
                 imports has climbed to a record high   higher energy bills.       a voluntary basis, which would offer the
                 amid fears that homes and businesses   The government’s leaked no-  same commercial terms.
                 could face higher bills if the UK   deal planning report, Operation   A spokesman for National Grid said
                 crashes out of Europe.           Yellowhammer, predicted a marked   it was “not anticipating any additional
                   In total, European electricity imports   increase in energy prices for homes   charges for interconnectors in the event
                 made up almost seven per cent of the   and businesses if the UK crashes out   of a no-deal Brexit”.
                 UK’s total demand, and the government   without a deal.             However, the plan has not been
                 hopes to increase imports to about 20 per   The market price for electricity   agreed by the European Commission
                 cent by 2025, according to The Guardian.  could climb because of a fall in the   and could be cast in doubt if the UK
                   Although this is a small share of the   value of the pound against the euro,   leaves without an agreement or without
                 UK’s electricity, experts have warned   but also because of potentially costly   paying the £39 billion exit fee.


                                                    Ovo, which was created 10 years ago,   MoneySuperMarket, said Ovo’s deal
                                                  is already the UK’s largest independent   to buy SSE’s business “will enhance
                                                  energy supplier, with 1.5 million   the ever-growing competition for
                                                  customers and about 2,000 employees.   customers”. He added: “The likes of
                                                  But it will now take on SSE’s 3.5 million   Ovo, Shell, Bulb and Octopus mean
                                                  customers and 8,000 staff, making it   there’s a base of emerging suppliers
                                                  second only to British Gas.      who are continuing to challenge the Big
                                                    SSE said it would “do all it can   Six in the domestic energy market.”
                                                  to ensure a smooth transition for   SSE had announced in May that it
                                                  customers and employees”.        planned to offload its energy services
                                                    The deal is expected to be completed   division after more than 500,000
                                                  in late 2019 or early 2020. SSE said   households switched to a new supplier
                                                  there would be no immediate impact on   in the year to April. The company said
                                SSE ANNOUNCED IN MAY THAT IT WAS   customers after completion.  it would sell or float its energy services
                             LOOKING TO OFFLOAD ITS SUPPLY BUSINESS  It added that the SSE brand would be   arm by the second half of 2020.
                                                  operated by Ovo under licence for a period,   In November last year, a proposed
                  OVO IS SET TO BECOME the UK’s   “allowing time for a phased and carefully   merger of SSE’s household supply
                  second largest energy supplier after it   managed migration and continued high   arm with rival Npower was called off,
                  agreed to buy SSE’s retail business for   standards of customer service”.  with SSE blaming “very challenging
                  £500 million, according to the BBC.  Stephen Murray, energy expert at   market conditions”.


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