Page 13 - October 2019
P. 13

                                                  our colleagues work safely and go home   health and safety performance.
                                                  safe to their families every day. For our   The Health and Safety Executive
                                                  colleagues, our ‘just culture’ means   recently stated that our leadership in
                                                  everyone working for Wales & West   health and safety is exemplary, and we
                                                  Utilities is encouraged to take personal   recognise that we have leaders in health
                                                  responsibility for their actions.  and safety at every level. But it is not just
                                                    More recently, having succeeded at   about having excellent leaders, it is about
                                                  reducing site-based physical injuries,   leading excellent people who themselves
                                                  our activity has had to stretch beyond   lead by example for the benefit of their
                                                  safe ways of working and tools and   peers, customers that rely on us.
                                                                                     We are very clear that health and
                 Having succeeded at              equipment to address new challenges,   safety is everyone’s responsibility and
                                                  like fatigue and wider societal issues
                 reducing site-based physical     including mental health. Additionally,   that everyone must be accountable
                 injuries, our activity has       driving – something the vast majority   for their actions. For the engineers
                 had to stretch beyond safe       of our team do every day – has become   working on our network every day, this
                 ways of working and tools        another area of focus.           means they have the right to challenge
                                                    While these are different issues,
                                                                                   anything they perceive as unsafe, while
                 and equipment to address         we intend to address them in the   our health and safety team is visible
                 new challenges, like fatigue     same way as we have done with    and accessible, regularly coaching,
                 and wider societal issues        more traditional health and safety   supporting and undertaking site
                                                  challenges; combining targeted action
                                                                                   inspections and audits to make sure our
                 including mental health          as an organisation with encouraging   management system remains effective
                                                  all our colleagues to take personal   at reducing risk.
                                                  responsibility for health and safety.   Cable strikes are a perfect example
                                                    So while we’ve been very successful,   of where this twin track approach has
                 make – and that applies to everyone,   with a great record and a trophy cabinet   delivered success. Annually, we now
                 from the most senior leaders to   full of awards, we’re not complacent or   have fewer cable strikes than we did
                 colleagues on the front line.    resting on our laurels. We have been   monthly when we started operations
                   Earlier this year, we achieved the   on quite a journey, with milestones   in 2005. This hasn’t been an easy
                 Royal Society for the Prevention of   marked by successive ROSPA awards   task. Our just culture means holding
                 Accidents (ROSPA) Gold Award for the   and we will continue on this journey,   colleagues to account for their actions
                 sixth successive year, in recognition   with a refreshed and renewed focus,   where they have fallen short of what
                 of our industry-leading performance   spearheaded by our internal Road to   is expected of them. The relevant
                 and commitment. We were also named   Zero safety campaign.        sanctions – from one-to-one coaching to
                 as a winner in the oil & gas industry                             structured performance improvement
                 sector and shortlisted for the coveted   Best practice            plans – are as much a part of a just
                 Sir George Earle Trophy at ROSPA’s   Our Road to Zero campaign runs all year   culture as being recognised for good
                 annual awards. This independent   round, and is something that is endorsed   performance.
                 accreditation is not only industry-  and led by the most senior engineers
                 leading, it’s world-leading too.    in our business. Our operational   Data-driven intervention
                   Improving our safety performance   management team individually sign   While Road to Zero is a year-
                 is something that came into greater   a pledge to evidence their personal   round campaign, we have targeted
                 focus after we were set up as an   commitment to leading health and   interventions in those areas where our
                 independent network in 2005. As   safety by example. This may seem   data suggests we have issues.
                 an industry, our record up until that   rather basic and quite quaint to some,   Historically, we had challenges in
                 time was good, but still left significant   but their signature is more than just   the winter. It is our busiest time of the
                 scope for improvement.           a signature. It’s a statement that says   year, with workload driven by increased
                   Since then, we’ve focused on safe   they will lead by example, supporting   emergency work and the delivery of
                 ways of working and invested in tools,   and encouraging engineering   the replacement programmes targets.
                 equipment and training to make sure all   colleagues to keep improving our   It was during this period that lost time


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