Page 16 - October 2019
P. 16


                 A PUBLIC


                 Every year, scores of tradespeople die as a direct consequence    What is asbestos?
                 of coming in contact with what HSE has called ‘the hidden         Asbestos is a group of minerals made
                 killer’: asbestos. Many of these are gas engineers, who risk      of microscopic fibres. There are three
                 frequent exposure to asbestos fibres while working on older       types of asbestos:
                                                                                         Crocidolite - blue asbestos
                 properties and appliances. Abigail Morrison, Senior Associate           Amosite - brown asbestos
                 at JMW Solicitors, lays out the dangers of asbestos in the              Chrysotile - white asbestos.
                 workplace and what you can do to mitigate them                      Before its dangers were known,
                                                                                   asbestos was used in the construction
                                                                                   of buildings, as well as in the
                                                                                   manufacturing and shipbuilding
                       sbestos is the biggest cause of   Fibres cannot be seen or smelled   industries, due to its affordability,
                       work-related deaths in the UK.   when they are released into the air by   insulation, strength and heat resistance.
                       According to the Health and   an asbestos-containing material (ACM).   Between the mid-1980s and
                       Safety Executive (HSE), more   The impact on your health is   late-1990s, a number of laws and
                 A than 5,000 deaths each year are   determined by the number of fibres   regulations were imposed restricting
                 caused by asbestos-related diseases, with   inhaled and the length of time you   the use of harmful substances,
                 around 20 tradespeople dying each week.  are exposed to asbestos; frequent   including asbestos. This culminated
                   When asbestos fibres are inhaled   exposure makes you five times more   in the Control of Asbestos Regulations
                 over a prolonged period of time,   likely to contract lung cancer than the   Act in 1999, which made the use of
                 they can cause damage to the lungs,   general population.         asbestos illegal. However, any industrial
                 resulting in a wide range of health   Conditions related to asbestos   or residential building that was
                 problems, including:             exposure often have long latency   constructed before the year 2000 has
                       Mesothelioma - a cancer of the inner   periods, with symptoms not presenting   the potential to contain asbestos.
                  lining of the chest wall or abdominal   themselves for between 30 and 40
                  cavity                          years, although in some cases this is up   Where can asbestos be found?
                       Lung cancer                to 60 years after exposure. Diseases can   All property types are different, but
                       Asbestosis - scarring of the lungs  be very debilitating and significantly   there are certain places in a building
                       Non-malignant pleural disease  shorten the lifespan of the sufferer.   where asbestos can be found, including:


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