Page 20 - October 2019
P. 20



                   IGEM joins the rest of the engineering profession to call for action to secure the UK’s future

                       he National Engineering Policy
                       Centre, which represents
                       nearly half a million UK
                       engineers, has published a
                 T manifesto for a prosperous and
                 secure economy and society, calling
                 on government to work with them to
                 invest in skills, innovation, digital and
                 traditional infrastructure, and clean
                 energy technologies.
                   Backed by the UK’s leading engineering
                 organisations, Engineering priorities for
                 our future economy and society highlights
                 critical policy recommendations to
                 enhance the UK’s status as a world-
                 leading innovation and engineering
                 hub, ahead of the forthcoming spending
                 review, the UK’s exit from the EU and a
                 possible general election.
                   This is the first joint publication by   1
                 the National Engineering Policy Centre,
                 an ambitious new partnership between
                 39 UK engineering organisations,
                 including IGEM, led by the Royal   of these challenges in ways that   more jobs and prosperity, and meet the
                 Academy of Engineering.          optimise efficiency, economy, safety   future needs of our society in a way that
                   The National Engineering Policy Centre   and reliability. Engineers are problem-  is faster, more efficient and sustainable.
                 was established to give policymakers   solvers and innovators, with a unique
                 access to the best independent advice,   perspective on the world.   Skills
                 skills and expertise of the engineering   From increasing productivity and   Implement the recommendations
                 profession, which generates £420.5   renewing infrastructure, to the skills  1  of the Perkins Review to secure the
                 billion of UK GVA and employs over 5.8   gap and the threat of climate change,   engineering skills necessary for the
                 million people. It aims to apply engineers’   these challenges rightly lie at the heart   UK’s future.
                 problem-solving skills to some of the   of the UK’s Industrial Strategy.
                 biggest problems the UK faces today.  Most of these big challenges are long   Ensure the funding for further education
                   The UK faces a number of defining   term in nature and require cross-  colleges reflects the higher cost of
                 challenges to its prosperity, security   government action. Engineering is   providing engineering programmes,
                 and wellbeing. Navigating these   central to delivering on them.   especially with the forthcoming T-levels in
                 challenges will require making trade-  The report sets out the priorities for   engineering and manufacturing, as well as
                 offs and dealing with uncertainties in   upcoming policy and spending decisions   delivery of higher level technical skills.
                 the face of these escalating pressures   in the UK. These are the actions the   Why? Further education is critical to
                 with limited resources.          National Engineering Policy Centre   the skills pipeline and its funding in
                   Engineers have the skills, insights   proposes will enable the UK to make   2019/20 is set to fall by 13 per cent in
                 and ingenuity to help tackle many   investment decisions that will create   real terms since 2010.


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