Page 21 - October 2019
P. 21


                 Introduce a requirement for 40 hours of   by students of all backgrounds   Increase and diversify Official
                 subject-specific continuing professional   through commissioning a longitudinal   Development Assistance (ODA)
                 development (CPD) every year for   cohort study of young people, tracking   allocation to engineering and
                 teachers of mathematics, science,   their outcomes.               technology to capitalise on its potential
                 design and technology, and computing,   Why? Just 33 per cent of young people   to address all sustainable development
                 with ring-fenced funding.        aged 11 to 14 reported taking part   goals in the UK and globally.
                 Why? Subject-specific CPD keeps   in a STEM careers activity in the last   Why? Most ODA investment in
                 teachers updated in developments   year, although over 600 organisations   engineering and technology has
                 in their subjects and career options,   operate in engineering engagement.   focused on infrastructure delivery and,
                 yet one in three STEM teachers in   Evidence-based insight into effective   more recently, research. These must be
                 secondary schools say they knew   outreach is needed to enable schools   complemented by support in education,
                 ‘a little’ or ‘almost nothing’ about   and the profession to use their   skills and locally driven innovation to
                 engineering or nearly two in five lacked   resources most efficiently.   realise the potential benefit.
                 confidence in giving advice about
                 engineering careers.                 Innovation                   Publish a roadmap to 2.4 per cent,
                                                      Increase Innovate UK’s budget   including public spending up to 2027,
                 Give employers greater flexibility on  2  to boost support for business   demonstrating the government’s
                 spending in the Apprenticeship Levy to   innovation and the ‘D’ of R&D to   commitment to its target and providing
                 include funds to support other forms of   increase productivity.   certainty to businesses.
                 high-quality training provision.                                  Why? Current R&D investment in the
                 Why? While the engineering       Increase Innovate UK’s budget    UK is approximately 1.7 per cent of GDP,
                 community is supportive of the levy   to help address the UK’s historic    below the OECD average of 2.4 per cent.
                 and recent softening of rules, a survey   under-investment in innovation
                 of business leaders revealed that four in   and the ‘D’ of R&D.   Deliver measures that encourage
                 10 employers believe that apprentices   Why? Recent investment through   investment in R&D by businesses in the
                 are not the most appropriate use of   the Industrial Strategy Challenge   UK and from abroad to help companies
                 their training budget, with evidence   Fund (ISCF) is an important step   take their innovation to market
                 that only eight per cent of first-year levy   in readdressing the balance but   Why? Companies make global
                 contributions are spent.         only six per cent of Innovate UK’s   decisions about where to invest in
                                                  2017/18 budget is allocated to Open   R&D. Businesses find UK tax incentives
                 Invest in understanding what works    programmes, limiting their ability to   for R&D internationally competitive,
                 in interventions that promote the   rapidly respond to business needs in   but support for late-stage R&D is poor
                 uptake of engineering education    any area of the economy.       compared to competitor countries.


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