Page 24 - October 2019
P. 24
Earlier this year, the UK government committed to reach interrelated issues must align: supply
net zero carbon emissions by 2050 through the amended and demand side technologies; cost
of carbon abatement; connecting
2008 Climate Change Act (CCA). Professor Joe Howe, Chair infrastructure, regulatory and legal
of the North West Hydrogen Alliance (NWHA) and Executive frameworks and the creation of an
Director of the Thornton Energy Institute, and Dr Tony Smith, investible decarbonised energy business
from Peel Environmental and a member of the NWHA, report proposition. These things must be
underpinned by a society that embraces
on how hydrogen is a vital part of the solution decarbonised energy through ‘social
A key energy feedstock throughout the UK has been through other such energy
acceptance’ of conversion. However, the
legacy of Theresa May’s
leadership, the commitment to
revolutions, including the transition
transition era. Having established the
from town gas (which ironically
reach net zero carbon emissions
relevance and importance of hydrogen,
scale and viable hydrogen production
contained 50 per cent hydrogen) to
by 2050 was enshrined in
law earlier this year. Scotland
has adopted 2045 as its target date, is necessary. Globally, most hydrogen North Sea gas in the 1960s and 70s.
is produced by methane reformation,
The development of hydrogen from
Liverpool 2040 and Manchester 2038. producing hydrogen and CO₂. UK economic renewable energy is the
Whatever the target date, climate methane reformation therefore ultimate destination. The transformation
change is now mainstream news. requires CCS. Several proposals for of wind, solar, tidal and biological
Renewable energy costs are declining, scale hydrogen production are under energy to hydrogen are key developing
operational efficiency rising, technology development. The North West Cadent/ technologies which, at scale, and with
evolving, and the impacts of global Progressive Energy-led HyNet project the thorny issue of energy storage
temperature rises more visible. proposes autothermal reformation, solved, will become key parts of the UK
These ambitious targets were supplying hydrogen to market through energy system. Meanwhile, and during
underpinned by a report from the a new build hydrogen pipeline this transition, the UK should adopt
Committee on Climate Change (CCC)¹, network. CO₂ would be captured and methane reformation with CCS to meet
which concluded that both hydrogen transported to depleted gas reservoirs climate change obligations.
and carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the East Irish Sea. Hydrogen has a potential role to
are critical components of reaching For hydrogen to significantly play across heat, industry, transport
net zero, while methane remains a contribute to net zero carbon, several and power.
HydrogenAlliance.indd 1 19/09/2019 12:33