Page 29 - October 2019
P. 29

significant shortage event occurred in   commercially reduce load/disconnect   reductions in gas prices, LNG imports,
                 March 2018 after a ‘perfect storm’ of   as they can either avoid the high gas   high competition between Russia
                 freezing weather (the Beast from the   costs or else benefit by reselling their   and the US to supply Europe and
                 East) created gas supply problems. The   gas. In combination, this led to the   a changing fuel mix meaning less
                 cold weather ramped up gas demand in   event being a more commercial hit than   defined summer/winter demand
                 both GB and mainland Europe and this   one causing widespread disruption. At   profiles, this is no longer the case.
                 simultaneously occurred at a time of   the time of the event, there was a lot of   It is increasingly challenging for
                 gas terminal and pipeline infrastructure   market commentary on how the closure   existing storage to remain profitable
                 problems in GB and Europe, which   of the Rough storage facility (GB’s largest   and it is even more difficult to build a
                 reduced overall supplies into the   gas storage asset) had exacerbated the   commercial case for the construction
                 system and flows into GB.        problem as gas in store was at its lowest   of new facilities or to invest in life
                   Unlike the electricity network, the   recorded level during the incident.   extension on existing facilities, as
                 inherent storage in a gas network gives   Gas storage has always been seen   evidenced by the closure of Rough. At
                 more time for system operators (and the   as a strategic resource but also a   the moment, the market and European
                 market) to respond in these situations   resource that, with a ‘spread’ between   governments and system operators
                 and consequently disconnection   summer and winter fuel prices, can   do not have a system to pay for the
                 happens in a less automated way. In   operate commercially, deriving an   ‘insurance’ value of storage.
                 addition, increased market prices for   income to fund its initial construction   This contrasts with the electricity
                 gas cause large industrial users to   and ongoing operation. With overall   market, where GB and Ireland along


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