Page 25 - October 2019
P. 25

While the UK has dramatically cut its
                                                                      greenhouse gases from industry and power
                                                                            generation, emissions from transport
                                                                           haven’t changed much over the last 25
                                                                            years. Growth of electric vehicles has
                                                                        momentum; however, this puts additional
                                                                              strain on local electricity networks,
                                                                            particularly at peak demand periods

                 Hydrogen for heat                incentivised to make this switch and,   electric vehicles (including cars, buses
                 Over 20 million households are   in addition, have a viable commercial   and trains) combined with a network of
                 supplied by natural gas delivering   mechanism for CCS. The government,   refuelling stations is already happening.
                 995TWh energy through 272,000km   through the Department of Business,   Bus fleets in London and Aberdeen
                 of pipeline. This energy delivery   Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS),   are fuelled by hydrogen, other cities
                 system must transform from methane   is consulting industry and academia   are due to follow and there is a growing
                 to hydrogen. The HyDeploy project   on viable and workable carbon tax   national network of hydrogen refuelling
                 is currently testing a blend of up to   proposals with a focus on contracts for   stations. Work at Alstom’s Widnes
                 20 per cent hydrogen in gas at Keele   difference (CfD) propositions. However,   facility will convert trains to hydrogen,
                 University. If successful, a roll-out to   industry operates in a global market   while marine applications of hydrogen
                 larger scale testing is planned in the   and imposition of carbon taxes on UK   are underway. Liverpool-based ULEMCo
                 North East and North West of England.   industry alone may cause migration   has converted commercial vehicles to
                 Hydrogen in its gaseous form carries a   of manufacturing to countries where   run on a dual fuel system of diesel and
                 third of the energy contained in natural   carbon taxes are not in place.  hydrogen and can also significantly
                 gas, so whereas the HyDeploy trials are                           extend the range of electric vehicles by
                 critically important in demonstrating   Hydrogen for transport    adding a hydrogen fuel cell. Meanwhile,
                 supply of a blend to existing domestic   While the UK has dramatically cut its   the government has awarded £6.4
                 appliances, this should be viewed as a   greenhouse gases from industry and   million to create a hydrogen refuelling
                 stepping stone in transition to 100 per   power generation, emissions from   station at the BOC plant in St Helens,
                 cent hydrogen supply.            transport haven’t changed much over   which could see 25 hydrogen-powered
                                                  the last 25 years. Growth of electric   buses in Liverpool.
                 Hydrogen for industry            vehicles has momentum; however,
                 The transformation of industrial   this puts additional strain on local   Hydrogen for power
                 methane consumption to hydrogen   electricity networks, particularly at   Whereas UK power generation has
                 requires significant investment   peak demand periods.            already seen significant reductions in
                 in burner and kiln technology.     When hydrogen is used in transport   carbon emissions, gas-fired generation
                 Government has committed £20     to power electric fuel cell vehicles,   will continue to supply gas to balance
                 million to stimulate early investment   it produces no nitrogen oxides or   demand. The opportunity therefore
                 in fuel switching processes and   particulate emissions, so as a transport   exists to transform gas-fired generation
                 technologies. Firms will need to be   fuel will improve air quality. Fuel cell   through pre- or post-combustion CCS.


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