Page 23 - October 2019
P. 23
Incentivise the uptake of offsite 65 per cent of non-domestic buildings Increase investment in whole-system,
manufacturing for construction to currently use fossil-fuel based natural gas. large-scale integrated multi-technology
deliver better infrastructure and drive pilots of low-carbon technologies to
productivity through procurement, Roll out of charging infrastructure for establish how technologies, consumer
regulation and R&D funding, building electric vehicles in urban and rural areas behaviour, and financial mechanisms
on the Construction Sector Deal. to encourage their uptake and meet can be integrated in real world
Why? A 20 per cent reduction in consumer demand, subsidising where situations, through programmes similar
delivery schedule in the construction the private sector is less likely to deliver. to the ISCF’s Prospering from the
of the Royal Victoria Building, Western Why? There was just a two per cent Energy Revolution Programme.
General Hospital in Edinburgh, through reduction in UK carbon emissions Why? The interconnectedness of the
the offsite production of 55 per cent of in transport between 1990 and 2017, energy system means that failure to
building components. compared to 60 per cent in take a system-wide view risks creating
electricity supply. undesirable knock-on effects in other
Energy and climate change sectors and excluding important and
Deliver on the UK’s ambitious Support the large-scale demonstration more efficient solutions.
5 climate change goals by investing of carbon capture, usage and storage
in demonstration and deployment (CCUS), particularly in energy-intensive The National Engineering Policy Centre
of new low-carbon heat, charging of industries and the development connects policy makers with critical
electric vehicles and carbon capture of shared infrastructure, market engineering expertise to inform and
and storage technologies. frameworks and regulation. respond to policy issues of national
Why? CCUS is crucial for achieving importance, giving policymakers a
Invest in large-scale demonstration net zero emissions and limiting global route to advice from across the whole
for heat technologies such as district average temperature increases to 1.5⁰C, profession. Find the full report at
heat networks, heat pumps and heat yet there are currently no large-scale
recovery to support their scale up. UK CCUS pilots compared to 43 projects engineering-policy-centre
Why? 85 per cent of UK households and currently around the world.
EngineeringPriorities.indd 4 19/09/2019 12:22