Page 17 - October 2019
P. 17


                 Sprayed coatings on ceilings, walls,   floor tiles can be found hidden
                 beams and columns                under carpets.
                 As one of the most dangerous materials
                 to contain asbestos, sprayed coatings   Textiles, such as fire blankets
                 can include up to 85 per cent asbestos   Textiles containing asbestos
                 and it breaks up very easily. Even   can be found in fuse boxes
                 the smallest disturbance of sprayed   behind the fuse itself, as well
                 coatings can release large quantities of   as in fire blankets and heat-
                 asbestos fibres into the air.    resistant gloves.

                 Drainage pipes and water tanks   Textured decorative coatings
                 Asbestos cement was often used to   on walls and ceilings, such
                 strengthen drainage pipes and water   as Artex
                 tanks built from pitch fibre – a lightweight   Textured coatings were
                 material made of wood cellulose   used to produce decorative
                 impregnated with inert coal tar pitch.  finishes on ceilings and walls
                                                  and often contained asbestos.
                 Loose-fill insulation                                              or enclose it and keep its condition
                 Loose-fill insulation is made up of pure   Cement roofs and panels  under review
                 asbestos and is thought to be most   Roofs and panels containing asbestos        Remove and dispose of the asbestos
                 dangerous ACM. If disturbed, it can release   were mainly made up of large sheets of   material.
                 large quantities of fibres into the air.  corrugated cement. They are usually found   There are a number of problems with
                                                  on industrial and farmyard buildings,   leaving asbestos in place, even if it is
                 Lagging on boilers and pipes     as well as roofs on garages and sheds.  not in poor condition or is sufficiently
                 Asbestos was used as lagging on boilers                           sealed. These include its presence not
                 and pipes, which if disturbed would   Cement flues                being clearly identified, wear and tear
                 release fibres very easily into the air.  Cement flues containing asbestos   and vandalism. Therefore, sealing
                                                  may be found in boiler systems, air   asbestos safely should only be seen as a
                 Asbestos insulating board (AIB) ceiling tiles  conditioning and ventilation systems.  temporary measure prior to removal.
                 Certain ceiling tiles were made using   Asbestos-related diseases can often
                 asbestos, meaning disturbing them   extend far beyond the people who come   How to work safely with asbestos
                 could release fibres.            into direct contact with the deadly   While removal is favoured over sealing
                                                  substance and affect the families of   or enclosing asbestos, you are able to
                 Toilet seats and cisterns        workers through contaminated work   carry out your duties safely without
                 Asbestos composites can be found in   clothes or overalls.        disturbing the material. Advice includes:
                 toilet cisterns and seats, windowsills                                  Following the plan of work and
                 and bath panels. Such materials are not   The impact on your health is   guidance provided
                 very different from what is used now.                                   Taking account of other risks,
                                                  determined by the number of       including working at height
                 AIB partition walls              fibres inhaled and the length          Avoiding methods that create a lot of
                 AIB was commonly used as fireproofing   of time you are exposed to   dust, e.g., using power tools
                 material, but it also had many other uses,   asbestos; frequent exposure        Using protective equipment such as
                 such as creating partition walls, lining lift                      face masks properly
                 shafts and panels below windows.  makes you five times more             Using a Type H vacuum cleaner or wet
                                                  likely to contract lung cancer    cloths to tidy up - do not sweep up
                 AIB panels in fire doors         than the general population            Cleaning up as you go to prevent
                 Fire doors were previously made with                               waste from building up
                 AIB panels to improve fireproofing.                                     Disposing of waste appropriately,
                                                  What do I do if asbestos is found?  e.g., double bagging
                 Asbestos rope seals, gaskets and paper  The policy upheld by the HSE when        Washing before breaks and going
                 Rope seals and gaskets made from   asbestos material has been identified   home
                 asbestos are usually found in gas or   includes three possible approaches:       Not eating, drinking or smoking in the
                 electric heating appliances.           Leave the material in place   work area
                                                   without sealing it and introduce        Avoiding taking overalls used for
                 Vinyl floor tiles                 a management system to keep its   asbestos home
                 Asbestos floor tiles were extremely   condition under review            Not reusing any disposable clothing
                 popular, and sometimes old asbestos        Leave the material in place but seal   or masks.


        Asbestos.indd   2                                                                                         19/09/2019   14:14
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