Page 9 - October 2019
P. 9

industry & government news

                  LIGHTNING STRIKE                UK CANNOT REACH NET ZERO

                                                  FIXED ON ECONOMIC GROWTH’

                                  GENERATORS TO GO OFFLINE

                  NATIONAL GRID HAS blamed
                  a lightning strike for Britain’s
                  biggest blackout in more than a
                  decade after it caused two power
                  generators to go offline.
                    The strike was one of many
                  to hit the grid on the same day
                  as the 9 August blackouts but
                  National Grid claims the bolt hit a
                  transmission circuit north of London
                  and managed to bring down two
                  electricity generators more than 100
                  miles apart in an “extremely rare and
                  unexpected event”.
                    A report revealed National Grid was                                    NEW ZEALAND HAS SHIFTED ITS NATIONAL PURPOSE
                  unable to cover the twin outages at a                                          AWAY FROM GDP TOWARDS WELLBEING
                  gas-fired power plant in Bedfordshire
                  and an offshore wind farm off the east   THE UK CANNOT reach net zero   ensure they are working to a common
                  coast of England because it did not   greenhouse gas emissions by the   environmental framework. He noted this
                  have enough backup.             target of 2050 while ministers remain   type of cross-departmental arrangement
                    The outages took place within   fixed on growth as measured by GDP,   already exists with the Brexit ministry,
                  seconds of each other immediately   the government’s chief environment   which vets Brexit decisions.
                  after the strike, according to the   scientist has warned.         Sir Ian said technology would be
                  report, causing disruptions across   Sir Ian Boyd has made clear the scale   an essential element in reducing our
                  much of England and Wales.      of the challenge the UK faces to meet   impact on the planet, but indicated the
                    The report said the Hornsea   its own environmental goals, and said   biggest challenge would be in reducing
                  offshore windfarm shut down after   the public had little idea of the changes   rates of consumption.
                  experiencing an unusual voltage   necessary to rein in our impact on the   He added: “We’ve got to reduce
                  fluctuation “coincident with the   natural world.                demand to a much greater extent than
                  lightning”. A spokeswoman for     People must eat less red meat, travel   we have in the past, and if we don’t
                  Ørsted, the windfarm owner,     less and buy fewer clothes, he said, but   reduce demand we’re not going to
                  declined to comment when        he also warned that enormous political   reduce emissions.
                  approached by The Guardian.     reassessments must be made in order   “Emissions are a symptom of
                    RWE, the owner of the gas plant,   for these necessary changes to happen.  consumption and unless we reduce
                  has warned that it is too soon to   Sir Ian made the comments to the   consumption we’ll not reduce emissions.”
                  say whether lightning had any   BBC as he steps down from the Defra   But Josh Burke, a policy fellow at
                  impact on its operations because   post he has held for six years.   LSE’s Grantham Institute for Research
                  investigations into the root cause of   He said: “The way we live our lives is   told The Independent their research
                  its outage are ongoing.         generally not good for the environment.  has indicated achieving net zero and
                    Prof Dieter Helm, a government   “We like to consume things, but the   maintaining economic growth are not
                  adviser on energy policy, said:   more we consume the more we absorb   mutually exclusive.
                  “The key point is that the power   the resources of the planet.    “We probably shouldn’t scrap
                  cut should never have happened    “That means we have to grow those   GDP entirely, but it is a fairly blunt
                  in the first place. If power cuts   resources or we have to mine them – and   instrument in that it doesn’t take into
                  can happen when just two power   in doing that we generate waste. And   account natural capital or social capital
                  generators drop off, then something   consumption is going up all the time.  for example,” he said.
                  fundamental has gone wrong.”      “There’s a conundrum – how do we   “In New Zealand, they decided to
                    The energy regulator has responded   shift ourselves from consuming? We   augment GDP with these additional
                  by launching an investigation into   need to do more about learning to live   metrics, so they record natural and
                  whether National Grid’s statutory   sustainably. We talk about sustainability   social capital and those are the kinds of
                  requirements, which are set by Ofgem,   but we don’t really know what it means.”  things we can do too.”
                  require it to hold enough reserve   Sir Ian also called for the creation   He said the institute’s research
                  electricity supplies to stabilise the grid   of a “net zero ministry”, which he   concluded it was possible to have
                  following outages.              said could work across government to   sustainable growth at the same time as
                                                  vet the policies of all departments to   transitioning to a low carbon economy.


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