Page 101 - JWP 120122
P. 101

Seed and Pollen Dispersal by Small Pteropodid Bats in Lowland Forests of Terengganu,  93
               Seed and Pollen Dispersal by Small Pteropodid Bats in Lowland Forests of Terengganu,
               Peninsular Malaysia
               Peninsular Malaysia

               von Helversen, O. & Reyer, H.U. (1984). Nectar intake and energy expenditure
               in a flower visiting bat. Oecologia, 63: 178-184.

               Zakaria, N., Ahmad Tarmizi, A., Mat Zuki, M.A., Ahmad, A.B., Mamat, M.A. &
               Abdullah, M.T. (2020). Bats data from fragmented forests in Terengganu State,
               Malaysia. Data in Brief, 30: 105567.
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