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88      Mohammad Naufal Mohammad Shah, Khairul Bariah Mohd Johan, Azuan Roslan, Hasrul
                 86 Mohammad Naufal Mohammad Shah, Khairul Bariah Mohd Johan, Azuan Roslan, Hasrul Zaman
                       Zaman Hassan Basri, Elizabeth Pesiu, Muhammad Aidil Zahidin, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah &
                                                                       Mohamed Nor Zalipah
                  Hassan Basri, Elizabeth Pesiu, Muhammad Aidil Zahidin, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah & Mohamed Nor

               the  rainforest  ecosystem  particularly  in  Terengganu,  Peninsular  Malaysia.
               However, to better explain this mutualism, identification of pollen and seeds of
               the tree species is particularly essential. Thus, we suggest that a database which
               encompasses the photos of the pollen and seeds for references to be established in
               Malaysia by the relevant parties.


               We would like to thank the Faculty of Science and Marine Environment and the
               Institute  of  Tropical  Biodiversity  and  Sustainable  Development,  Universiti
               Malaysia  Terengganu,  for  logistical  support  and  equipment  to  conduct  this
               research.  This  study  was  supported  financially  from  the  Geran  Galakan
               Penyelidikan,  UMT  (GGP/68007/2014/127),  Dana  Pembangunan  Geopark
               Kenyir    (KGDR/2015/53167/3),     Niche    Research    Grant    Scheme
               (NRGS/2015/5313/2 and NRGS/2015/5313/6) and Trans Disciplinary Research
               Grant  Scheme  (TRGS/2015/59373)  awarded  to  M.T.  Abdullah  by  Universiti
               Malaysia Terengganu and the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. We also
               would like to thank Associate Professor Dr. Nobuyuki Yamaguchi from UMT for
               his constructive comments on this paper. Permits to conduct research were given
               by the Department of Wildlife and National Parks [Reference JPHL&TN (P):100-
               34/1.24 Jld 6 (21)].


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