Page 93 - JWP 120122
P. 93

Seed and Pollen Dispersal by Small Pteropodid Bats in Lowland Forests of Terengganu,   87
               Peninsular Malaysia                                                   85
               Seed and Pollen Dispersal by Small Pteropodid Bats in Lowland Forests of Terengganu,
                Peninsular Malaysia

               Figure 4.   Number (in %) of individuals with pollen load on their bodies for
                         Number  (in %)
               each bat species. Balionycteris seimundi = 5 individuals, Cynopterus brachyotis
               =  34  individuals,  C.  horsfieldii  =  12  individuals,  Macroglossus  sobrinus  =  4
               individuals,  Megaerops  ecaudatus  =  4  individuals,  Penthetor  lucasi  =  5

               Table 3. Pollen species recorded for each pteropodid bats caught at the lowland
               rainforests of Terengganu. + and – represent present and absent respectively.

                                                                      Pollen Type
                Bat species            Sonnerati    Ceiba             Pollen Type
                                       spp.         pentandra     A    B      C    D
                Balionycteris seimundi    +            +           -    +     -     -
                Cynopterus brachyotis     +            +          +     +     +     -
                Cynopterus horsfieldii    +             -         +     +     -    +
                Macroglossus sobrinus     +             -         +     +     -     -
                Megaerops ecaudatus       +            +           -    +     -     -
                Penthetor lucasi          +            +           -    +     -     -
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98