Page 90 - JWP 120122
P. 90

86 Mohammad Naufal Mohammad Shah, Khairul Bariah Mohd Johan, Azuan Roslan, Hasrul Zaman
                  Hassan Basri, Elizabeth Pesiu, Muhammad Aidil Zahidin, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah & Mohamed Nor
               82      Mohammad Naufal Mohammad Shah, Khairul Bariah Mohd Johan, Azuan Roslan, Hasrul
                       Zaman Hassan Basri, Elizabeth Pesiu, Muhammad Aidil Zahidin, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah &
                                                                       Mohamed Nor Zalipah

               Figure  3.  The  three  seed  types  observed  from  the  faeces  of  pteropodid  bats
               caught at the lowland rainforest of Terengganu. A) Type 1, B) Type 2 and C)
               Type 3.

               Table 2.  Number of seeds in faecal samples of each bat species. n represents
                        Number of
               the number of bat individuals.

                                                         Number of        Mean ±SE
                     Bat Species         Seed type
                                                            seeds          (range)
                                         Type 1 (n=9)        506         56.22 + 16.87
                 Cynopterus brachyotis                                      (4-138)
                                         Type 2 (n=1)         1              NC
                 Cynopterus horsfieldii                                  57.20 + 34.80
                 (n=5)                   Type 1 (n=5)        286           (11-195)
                 Megaerops ecaudatus
                 (n=1)                   Type 3 (n=1)         7              NC
                Note: NC= Not calculated.
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95