Page 86 - JWP 120122
P. 86

86 Mohammad Naufal Mohammad Shah, Khairul Bariah Mohd Johan, Azuan Roslan, Hasrul Zaman
                  Hassan Basri, Elizabeth Pesiu, Muhammad Aidil Zahidin, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah & Mohamed Nor
               78      Mohammad Naufal Mohammad Shah, Khairul Bariah Mohd Johan, Azuan Roslan, Hasrul
                       Zaman Hassan Basri, Elizabeth Pesiu, Muhammad Aidil Zahidin, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah &
                                                                       Mohamed Nor Zalipah

                          Location  of
               Figure  1.      Location  of  the  three  sampling  sites  in  the  state  of  Terengganu,
               located on the east-coast of Peninsular Malaysia (inset map). The study sites are:
               A) Gunung Tebu Forest Reserve, B) Sungai Buweh, Kenyir, C) Saok Waterfall,

               In the laboratory, centrifuge tubes containing 1 ml ethanol preserving the pollen
               swabs were manually shaken prior to micropipette extraction. 1 µl of  ethanol was
               then pipetted and put on a glass slide for observation under a light microscope
               (Leica DME) at 40x magnifications. A Dino-eye microscope eyepiece camera
               (AM423X,  Taiwan)  was  used  to  aid  pollen  identification with  a  maximum
               magnification  of  2800x.  Identification  of  the  pollen  grains  was  conducted  by
               referring to Mohamed (2014). For each sample, the same steps were repeated 10
               times,  thus  pollen  identification  was  conducted  from  10  µl  of  ethanol  for
               maximum pollen detection. For the seed identification, the dried faecal samples
               were immersed in distilled water for approximately 24 hours to separate the seeds
               from  the  faecal  material.  The  mixture  was  then  filtered  using  filter  paper  for
               observation  under  a  dissecting  microscope  with  x1  to  x4  magnification.  We
               compared the list of plant species previously reported to be pollinated and the
               seeds  dispersed  by  the  pteropodid  bats  in  Peninsular  Malaysia  by  Hodgkison
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