Page 94 - JWP 120122
P. 94

86 Mohammad Naufal Mohammad Shah, Khairul Bariah Mohd Johan, Azuan Roslan, Hasrul Zaman
                  Hassan Basri, Elizabeth Pesiu, Muhammad Aidil Zahidin, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah & Mohamed Nor
               86      Mohammad Naufal Mohammad Shah, Khairul Bariah Mohd Johan, Azuan Roslan, Hasrul
                       Zaman Hassan Basri, Elizabeth Pesiu, Muhammad Aidil Zahidin, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah &
                                                                       Mohamed Nor Zalipah

               Figure 5. Pollen species observed carried by the pteropodid bats caught at the
               lowland rainforest of Terengganu. A) Sonneratia spp. (Family Lythraceae), B)
               Ceiba pentandra (Family Malvaceae). C), D), E) and F) were the unidentified
               pollen species, classified into four types based on the shape and size  of the pollen

               Although reported to primarily feeds on fruits, the two Cynopterus species (C.
               bracyotis  and  C.  horsfieldii), together  with  M. ecaudatus  were  reported  to  be
               regular visitors to flowering chiropterophilous plants (plants pollinated by bats)
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