Page 92 - JWP 120122
P. 92

84     Mohammad Naufal Mohammad Shah, Khairul Bariah Mohd Johan, Azuan Roslan, Hasrul
                 86 Mohammad Naufal Mohammad Shah, Khairul Bariah Mohd Johan, Azuan Roslan, Hasrul Zaman
                       Zaman Hassan Basri, Elizabeth Pesiu, Muhammad Aidil Zahidin, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah &
                  Hassan Basri, Elizabeth Pesiu, Muhammad Aidil Zahidin, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah & Mohamed Nor
                                                                       Mohamed Nor Zalipah

               and role as a significant seed dispersal agent of C. horsfieldii in Malaysia is still

               From the total captures, only 34 individuals (54 % of the total captures) from all
               six species were positive for pollen loads. For each bat species, at least half of the
               individuals caught were with pollen loads on their bodies except for C. brachyotis,
               in  which  only  12 individuals (35 %  of  the  total  capture  of this  species)  were
               positive for  pollen load  at  the time  of  their  capture (Figure  4).  A comparison
               between the number of samples with and without pollen load however was not
               significantly different as detected by the Ȥ test with Yates’ Correction at p = 0.05
               conducted for each bat species except for M. sobrinus in which all individuals
               captured were found with pollen load on their bodies.

               In total, six pollen types were identified from the total 34 bat individuals with
               pollen loads, including four unidentified pollen species (Figure 5). C. brachyotis
               and  C.  horsfieldii  were  recorded  as  carrying  five  and  four  pollen  types
               respectively, while the other bat species were with only three pollen types (Table
               3). Only the pollen grains of Sonneratia spp. and Type B were observed on all six
               pteropodid bat species recorded in this study.
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